  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曹永慶


本研究之目的在探討如何運用誇張設計手法協助設計思考之展開及透過誇張手法形成誇張意象之可行性。研究內容共分為三部份:(1)經由誇張之事例調查,探討誇張概念之結構。(2)尋求誇張概念結構中各誇張子概念所對應之設計要素,以供設計師依據不同之誇張目的進行設計。(3)依據各類誇飾手法設計筆樣本,進行誇張意象之測試,以分析各類手法之誇張意象並驗證手法之適切性。主要具體成果歸納如下。 第一部份:誇張概念的結構 誇張概念主要由「預期外」及「無法預料」兩種期待狀態所組成,其中「預期外」表示一種超乎內心想像的一種心理狀態,具有「出乎意料」及「不可思議」 之兩層意義,各層意義並分別包含「好奇、驚訝」與「感嘆、快樂」等四類子概念;「無法預料」則表示一種毫無預警,突乎其來的的心理狀態,具有「聳動」及「嘆為觀止」之兩層意義,各層意義也分別包含「趣味、驚悚」、「讚嘆、神奇」四類子概念。 第二部分 針對不同類誇張目的之誇飾設計手法 首先實施符合八類誇張子概念之生活相關產品及其原因之調查,初步獲得32項具體設計要素。其次再經由誇張程度之評比,篩選出「幻想」、「變換材質的構成」、「意識化」、「隱藏恐懼元素,出奇不意的顯現」、「質變」、「矛盾」等六類較能表現誇張意象之設計要素。 第三部份 誇飾設計手法之驗證 (1)誇飾設計手法之意象結構 誇飾設計手法之誇張意象可由表現誇張概念之規則性因素(規矩的-出奇的)、表現誇張概念之特徵性因素(平淡的-突顯的)、表現誇張概念呈現之效果因素(單調的-變化的)所構成。 (2)具不同特徵之誇飾手法群與意象之對應關係 依照誇飾手法設計之筆樣本,確實產生一定程度之誇張性,並且具不同特徵之各類誇飾手法群,也存在不同程度之誇張性並對應不同之誇張意象。其中, 「改變使用印象以突顯差異」之手法群,意象傾向於「出奇的、變化的」;「虛構功能及形態」之手法群,意象傾向於「平淡的、單調的」;「造成意義衝突與對比」之手法群,意象傾向於「變化的、突顯的」。此三手法群呈現之誇張程度由大至小依序為「形成意義衝突與對比」、「改變使用印象以突顯差異」、「虛構功能及形態」。 (3)各誇飾設計樣本群之意象與誇張綜合評價之因果關係 影響「改變使用印象以突顯差異」、「虛構功能及形態」、「造成意義衝突與對比」等三群手法之誇張評價之主要意象,分別為「簡單-多變的、不起眼的-注目的、枯燥的-趣味的」、「簡單的-多變的」、「突兀的-柔順的」。


This study discusses how to initiate a design thinking process by using exaggeration design method and the possibility to create an exaggerated image. The study is conducted in three parts: 1. Investigating the examples of exaggeration to discuss the structure of exaggeration concept. 2. To find the corresponding design elements for each sub-exaggeration concept in the structure of exaggeration concept and the designer can conduct the design according to different exaggerated purposes. 3. Using different exaggeration method to design the pen samples and to perform the test of exaggerated image in order to analyze the exaggerated image created from different exaggeration design methods and to verify if the used method is appropriate. The main results are summarized in below. 1. The structure of exaggeration concept The exaggeration concept is a combined expectation of “unexpected” and “unpredictable.” “Unexpected” represents a mental state which is beyond the imagination in human mind which has two level of meanings: unanticipated sentiment and incredible sentiment. The unanticipated sentiment includes two sub-concepts: curiosity and surprise. The incredible sentiment includes two sub-concept: sign with emotion and happiness. “Unpredictable” represents mental state which is unprepared for the coming objects or issues. Same as “unexpected”, “unpredictable” also has two level of meanings: sensational and astonished. The four sub-concepts are interesting, thrilling, admiring and amazing. 2. The exaggerated design method for different exaggerated purposes The first step is to investigate the daily-life related products which are in accordance with the above mentioned 8 sub-concepts and the reason these products are selected. The preliminary results shows 32 design elements. The next step is to conduct the exaggeration level analysis to filter out 6 key design elements which can express the exaggeration image. These 6 elements are imagination, the use of different materials, consciousness, unexpected appearance of hidden thrilling elements, changing of nature and contradiction. 3. Verify the exaggerated design methods 3.1The image structure of exaggeration design methods The exaggeration design methods for exaggeration image is composed by factors: the regular factor (routine vs. surprises), characteristic factor (ordinary vs. outstanding) and effect factor (monotonous vs. variable). 3.2The correlation between exaggeration image and difference design methods The pen samples designed according to the exaggeration design methods indeed demonstrate certain features of exaggeration. Moreover, different design method groups with different characteristics shows different exaggeration level and can be corresponded to different exaggeration image. For example, for the “to create a distinguished difference by changing the impression of usage” design method group, the created image tends be surprised and variable; for the “fiction function and feature” design method group, the created image tends to be monotonous and ordinary; for the “creating conflict and contrast” design method group, the image tends to be variable and outstanding. For these three design method groups, the exaggeration level from the strongest to the slightest are “creating conflict and contrast”, “to create a distinguished difference by changing the impression of usage” and “fiction function and feature.” 3.3The cause-effect relationship between the image of each exaggerated design sample groups and the exaggeration evaluation The main features which will have affection of exaggeration evaluation of “creating conflict and contrast”, “to create a distinguished difference by changing the impression of usage” and “fiction function and feature” design method groups are as followed: simple vs. various, boring vs. interesting, and abrupt vs. smooth.


(12) 仇小屏,2002,古典詩詞時空設計美學,台北市,文津出版社有限公司
(1) 陳耀茂編著,1999,多變量解析方法與應用,五南圖書出版公司
(2) 吳明隆編著,2001,SPSS統計應用與實務,松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司
(3) 張建成編譯,John Chris Jones著,設計方法,六合出版社,民83,頁353-356


