  • 學位論文


A Study on the Expected Image of Product Functions

指導教授 : 曹永慶


本研究主要目的在探討構成期待意象結構之動作或行為要素被轉化為產品 機能,及形成產品期待意象之可能性。內容包含以下四部份:第一部分為透過期 待定義之調查、相關修辭以及日常生活經驗中的具體事例之分析,利用群集分析 之Ward 法釐清期待意象之結構;第二部分為依期待意象結構,調查與期待概念對 應之設計手法;第三部分依據各期待設計手法設計樣本,實施期待意象之測試, 運用主成分得點進行群集分析之華德最小變異數分析,探討期待意象與產品操作 方式之對應關係。第四部分運用多元回歸分析探討各類使用過程之期待意象與綜 合評價之因果關係。各部分主要結果歸納如下 : 第一部分 : 期待意象之結構 本階段經由開放式之問卷調查,以瞭解一般人心目中對期待的感受。期待意 象之結構可由「符合認知效益的」與「未來的」兩大概念所構成。其中「符合認知效 益的」此一概念包含「先入為主的結果判斷」與「如願的」兩種感受,而「未來的」包 含「前衛的」與「盼望的」兩種感受。 第二部分 : 與期待意象對應之設計手法 符合期待意象六類概念之十五項設計手法分別為: (1) 循序漸進類 : 「要達成目的須經一連串既定的使用步驟」、「要達成目的須 重複使用步驟」、「要達成目的須經一連串非既定的使用步驟」。 (2) 希望類 : 「結合賭博性的操作」、「呼之欲出的回饋狀態」、「待開封的步驟」。 (3) 刺激類 : 「無法預料的回饋機制」、「操作過程具有故事性」、「快速的產品 II 操作模式」。 (4) 新奇類 : 「違背常理的使用方法」、「功能上的結合」、「隱閉」。 (5) 如願類 : 「立即回饋」。 (6) 先入為主的結果判斷 : 「明顯及易理解的操作方式」、「組合」。 第三部份 : 期待意象與產品操作方式之對應關係 產品機能之期待意象可由表現情緒反應的「欣盼的-失落的」因素、表現心 理狀態的「忐忑的-安心的」因素,以及表現現實性的「忐忑的-安心的」因素所 構成。 整體而言,產品機能「待開封的步驟」,較傾向於「欣盼的」意象,反之則 較傾向於「失落的」意象。而非單一性的產品操作機能較傾向於「幻想的」意象, 反之則較傾向於「實際的」。無法預知操作機制與無法預期回饋機制的產品機能 較傾向於「忐忑的」意象,反之則較傾向於「安心的」。 第四部分 : 各類使用過程之期待意象與綜合評價之因果關係及其比較 (1) 繁複屢次的產品操作動作 : 使用者必須施以重複的動作方能發揮產品功 效。其影響「期待」程度之意象為「興奮的-沮喪的」。影響「有趣」程度之意 象依序為「希望的-失望的」、「興奮的-沮喪的」。影響「喜歡使用」的意象為 「驚喜的-平淡的」。 (2) 非單一性的產品操作方式 : 使用者可在一定的使用範圍內任意操作產 品。其影響「期待」程度之意象依序為「興奮的-沮喪的」、「愉悅的-煩悶的 」、「已知的-未知的」。影響「有趣」程度之意象依序為「興奮的-沮喪的」、「 III 等待的-立即的」。影響「喜歡使用」程度之意象為「驚喜的-平淡的」。 (3) 無法預知的操作機制與無法預期的回饋機制 : 使用者無法預先知道產品 回饋的方式以及操作的模式。其影響「期待」之意象為「希望的-失望的」。 影響「有趣」程度之意象依序為「驚喜的-平淡的」、「愉悅的-煩悶的」。影響 「喜歡使用」程度之意象為「希望的-失望的」。 (4) 待開封的步驟 : 使用者必須經過一些開封的操作過程才能使產品發揮功 效。此群之「期待感」、「有趣」和「喜歡使用」評價在各群中皆為最高。 其影響「期待」程度之意象依序為「刺激的-溫和的」、「緊張的-輕鬆的」、「 幻想的-實際的」。影響「有趣」程度之意象依序為「興奮的-沮喪的」、「驚喜 的-平淡的」。影響「喜歡使用」程度之意象為「驚喜的-平淡的」。 「待開封的步驟」群之「期待感」、「有趣」和「喜歡使用」評價在各群中皆 為最高,其中影響「期待感」程度的首要意象為「刺激的-溫和的」、「緊張的- 輕鬆的」、「幻想的-實際的」。換言之,若在產品機能上加入能夠給予人刺激、 緊張以及幻想的感受,便能讓人感到期待。影響「有趣」程度的首要意象為「興 奮的-沮喪的」、「驚喜的-平淡的」。若在產品機能上加入能夠給予人興奮且驚 喜的感受,便能讓人感到有趣。影響「喜歡使用」程度的首要意象為「驚喜的- 平淡的」,在產品機能上加入驚喜的成分便能讓人感到喜歡使用。


The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility to transform actions or behavior factors of expected image structure to be product functions and expected image of product. The contents include 4 parts: The first part, through survey on definition of expectancy, related vocabularies and analysis on examples in daily life experiences, we use Ward’s Minimum Variance Method of clustering analysis to clarify the structure of expected image; the second part, based on the structure of expected image, we survey design methods corresponding to expectancy concept; the third part, we design samples according to expectancy design methods and conduct test of expected image, then we use principle component scores to conduct Ward’s Minimum Variance Method of clustering analysis to explore the corresponding relationship between expected image and operating method of product; the fourth part, using multiple regression analysis, we explore cause-effect relationships between expected image and consolidated evaluations in utilization processes. The results are summarized below: Part 1: Concept structure of expected image Expected image can be consisted of two concepts such as “in accordance with perceived effect” and “future”. “In accordance with perceived effect” includes sentiments of “pre-engaged result judgment” and “as your wish”; while “future” V includes sentiments of “avant-garde” and “expecting”. Part 2: Design methods corresponding to expected image 15 design methods in accordance with 6 types of expected image concept (1) Step-by-step: “Going through a series of existed using steps to reach the goal”, “Repeating using steps to reach the goal” and “Going through a series of un-existed using steps to reach the goal” (2) Hope: “Operation uniting gambling character”, “Feedback situation ready to come out” and “Steps needing to be unwrapped”. (3) Stimulation: “Unpredictable feedback mechanism”, “operating process acts like a story” and “speedy product operating model” (4) Novelty: “Abnormal using method”, “uniting in functions” and “hiding”. (5) As your wish: “Immediate feedback”. (6) Pre-engaged result judgment: “Obvious and understandable operating method” and“ assembling”. Part 3: Corresponding relationships between expected image and product operating method Expected image of product functions can be consisted of “expecting-lost” showing emotional reaction, “uneasy-easy” showing psychological status and “uneasy-easy” showing reality. Overall, product function of “steps needing to be unwrapped” tends to the image “expecting”; vice versa, tends to the image “lost”. Non-single product function tends VI to the image “illusional”; vice versa, tends to the image “practical”. Product function with unpredictable operating mechanism and un-expectable feedback mechanism tends to the image “uneasy”; vice versa, tends to the image “ easy”. Part 4: Cause-effect relationships and their comparisons between expected image and consolidated evaluation in utilization processes (1)Complex and multi-time operating action: Users need to repeat the actions to assert product effects. The prime image influencing degree of “sense of expectancy” is “exciting-depressed”. The prime images influencing degree of “sense of interesting” include “hopeful-disappointed” and “exciting-depressed”. The prime image influencing degree of “like-to-use” is “surprising-plain”. (2)Non-single product operating method: Users may operate the product freely within a fixed scope. The prime images influencing degree of “sense of expectancy” include “exciting-depressed”, “pleasant-gloomy” and “known-unknown”. The prime images influencing degree of “sense of interesting ” include “exciting-depressed” and “waiting-immediate”. The prime image influencing degree of “like-to-use” is “surprising-plain”. (3)Unpredictable operating mechanism and un-expectable feedback mechanism: Users have no way to know earlier about feedback method and operating model of product. The prime image influencing degree of “sense of expectancy” is “hopeful-disappointed”. The prime images influencing degree of “sense of interesting” include “surprising-plain” and “pleasant-gloomy”. The prime image influencing degree of “like-to-use” is “hopeful-disappointed”. (4) Steps needing to be unwrapped: VII Users have to go through unwrapping operating process to assert product effects. The prime images influencing degree of “sense of expectancy” include “stimulating-modest”, “nervous-relaxed” and “illusional-practical”. The prime images influencing degree of “sense of interesting” include “exciting-depressed” and “surprising-plain”. The prime image influencing degree of “like-to-use” is “surprising-plain”.


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