  • 學位論文

員工對組織變革之認知對組織承諾與工作壓力影響性之研究 ─ 以台灣銀行業為例


指導教授 : 林信雄


隨著全球化經濟、越來越複雜的科技發展以及企業快速的創新發展等因素,而促成了企業的轉變。員工正面臨著工作環境快速的改變,包括合併、併購、重整、縮編等企業變革活動以及因新技術的進步而必須提升的技能。也使企業必須更具有敏捷的洞察、具有更彈性特質、以及更有適應的能力。然而了解員工對組織變革的認知,以及組織變革對員工組織承諾、工作壓力之影響,卻是影響組織變革是否成左滬垠n關鍵因素之一。促使國內金融機構合併的動力始於新銀行開放設立之後,由於銀行利差逐漸減少,各銀行推出的金融產品同質性太高,加上激烈的價格競爭,使得銀行獲利能力大幅下降。大部分本國商業銀行過度依賴存貨市場,欠缺金融創新的能力,迫使他們未來極有可能尋求與外商銀行或國內異業金融機構合併以求生存。本研究之動機在於探討台灣銀行業在面臨進入WTO、金融控股公司相繼成立、政府的鼓勵支持、以及市場的激烈競爭,在種種的情勢影響下,勢必會產生重大的組織變革以提高其經營績效,例如為了降低人事成本而推行外包、縮編、及重整等,為了拓展經營版圖而策劃合併、併購、及與異業結盟,這些變化對於一向被視為金飯碗的銀行員工,一定會造成相當程度的衝擊與不安,因此該研究探討銀行員工對組織變革的認知,對於員工組織承諾及工作壓力的影響,來給予銀行管理當局一個推行變革的參考依據。 本研究採用領域研究方法,依據國內外學者相關研究與文獻資料,彙總出導入此研究之架構,旨在探討組織變革後,員工對組織變革之認知對於組織承諾及工作壓力之間的關係。同時將以不同的個人屬性﹝性別、年齡、學歷、年資及職務階層﹞及不同的群組屬性﹝銀行類別、工作內容及參與組織變革之溝通經驗﹞作為干擾變項,探究員工對組織變革之認知對於二個應變數的關係:組織承諾及工作壓力。並以台北地區銀行員工為對象,共郵寄問卷350份,有效回收問卷計207份,有效回收率為59.1%。 研究方法以SPSS統計軟體之因素分析程式,採用相關分析、層級迴歸分析、卡方獨立性檢定與卡方相關性檢定來探討變數之間的關係。 本研究的主要發現如下: 1.本研究的主要目的是以台灣金融業而言,確認在組織重大變革的情況下,其員工對組織變革之認知對組織承諾與工作壓力之影響。結果發現員工對組織變革之認知與組織承諾之間呈正相關,及員工對組織變革之認知與工作壓力之間呈正相關 2.本研究發現性別在變革認知與工作壓力之間存在顯著干擾效應。此結果顯示女性會較男性有較大的壓力,因在家庭之外須有另一責任的承擔。 3.此研究發現年齡在變革認知與組織承諾之間存在顯著性干擾效應。此結果反映中高齡就業者對組織承諾會高於年輕者。 4.此研究發現銀行類別在變革認知與工作壓力, 均存在顯著性干擾效應。此結果反映在目前經濟景氣的衝擊下,公營銀行的行員因公務員身份因此受到較大的保障,相較於私營銀行則面臨較大的競爭壓力,普遍存在不安全感。 5.該研究發現是否曾與公司管理階層進行變革方面的溝通與組織承諾之間存在顯著性差異。因此領導者或經理人應儘早讓員工了解到面臨的組織變革情形。 在本研究中,我們的樣本不夠大且僅以台北地區幾家銀行業員工微調查對象。當樣本數目越大時,越有能力且越能更敏感察覺所要研究的關係。因此建議後續研究可以將其他金融相關行業包含於研究樣本中;也可將研究範圍擴充至台灣地區。


The global economy, increasing technological sophistication, and the rapid pace of innovation in the business marketplace have all contributed to organizational changes. Employees are faced with highly fluid work environments due to mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, or other organizational changes and new technologies that require constant skill upgrading. Most observers recognize that the increasing speed of organizational operations and the relative instability associated with technological change and globalization have thrown previously well-operated organizational system into chaos and have magnified the importance of agility, flexibility, and adaptation. The impetus to mergers and acquisitions among domestic financial institutions began with the deregulation and the establishment of new banks. Banks’ earning ability has suffered a large-scale decline as a result of gradual reduction in interest differentials, high homogeneity among financial products offered by various banks, and severe price competition. A large number of domestic commercial banks over rely on the market of existing products and lack the ability to innovate financially. They are thus obliged to merge with foreign banks or domestic financial institutions different in specialty. Taiwan banking industry is faced with a cataclysmic change after it joined WTO: the most obvious evidence is the establishment of banking holding company, as supported and encouraged by the government. The new trend is sure to heat up market competition. In response, more organizational changes will arise to enhance business performances. Based on field studies and literature review, this research will undertake to examine how employee cognition of organization changes will influence organizational commitment and work stress in the hope that suggestions can be made to banking management to help it facilitate organizational change. This study will also look at the moderating effects of different personal characteristics (gender, age, educational level, job tenure, and occupational level) and different group characteristics (bank variety, job content, and the experience of communication about organizational changes) on the relationship between the independent variable (employee cognition of organizational changes) and the two dependent variables (organizational commitment and work stress). The research subjects are employees of Banking Industry in Taipei; out of 355 questionnaires sent, the valid questionnaires returned is 207, at valid return rate of 59.1%. SPSS statistical software was used to process the data acquired. This research uses Reliability test, Simple correlation anaylsis, Hierarchical regression analysis, and Chi-square independent test and chi-square correlation test to explore the relationships involved. The major findings of the research are summarized as follows: 1.First, this study confirms that the employee cognition of organizational changes in Taiwan’s banking industry is significantly related to their organizational commitment and work stress.A significant positive relationship was found to exist between employee cognition of organizational changes and organizational commitment and a significant positive relationship was found to exist between employee cognition of organizational changes and work stress. 2. A significant influence relationship was found gender differences exist between employee cognition of organizational changes and work stress. This finding suggested that women may be more stressed than men in general because they take on additional responsibility when they have a job outside the home. 3. A significant influence relationship was found age differences exist between employee cognition of organizational changes and organizational commitment. This finding responses the moment economic situation. The more order employees, the crisis of jobless will increase. 4.A significant influence relationship was found bank variety difference exist between employee cognition of organizational changes and work stress. This finding also react the heated competition situation of Taiwan’s banking industry. The employees in local publicly bank will have more sense of belong than those who in local privately bank and foreign bank. 5. Finally, the study found that the experience of communication about organizational change differences exist between employee cognition of organization changes and organizational commitment. This conclusion suggested that the organization has communicated with them will be more committed to the organization in the midst of a merger. As a result, leaders or managers should undertake initiatives to assess employee perceptions and attitude as early in the merger process as possible. In this study, the sample size is not big and only Banking Industry in Taipei was chosen as a survey target. The larger the sample size, the greater the power and the more sensitive the research in detecting the relationships under investigation. Subsequent studies could include samples of other financial institution or other area in Taiwan than those surveyed here.


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蔡雙霜(2015)。職場網路溝通、壓力與情緒管理 -以智慧手機LINE即時通訊為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2015.00955
