  • 學位論文


The Effect of GPS Display to Driving Achievement

指導教授 : 吳志富


二十一世紀的今天,隨著資訊與通訊等技術的快速發展,車用導航系統能提供駕駛人在面對各種交通環境時所需之資訊,因此除了需要經由適當的傳達介面來做為駕駛人與智慧型系統間的溝通橋樑外,汽車座椅與汽車使用者在駕駛行為的舒適度與安全性更是相當重要。 因此,本研究在考慮人因工程的前題下,首先探討車用導航系統螢幕在現今汽車中控台配置的現況,透過可調整之座椅尺寸及車用螢幕駕駛模擬器,對不同身高族群、性別測試,配合主觀評量、眨眼率與車用螢幕正確率進行分析探討。結果顯示,在座椅調整尺寸方面,對於高男族群,在座椅前後移動距離應為540mm-610mm,在座墊前緣高度調整則無特定範圍,座倚靠背傾角則為95°-100°,以及車用螢幕之配置應為580mm。在中男族群方面,座椅前後移動距離應為540mm-610mm,座墊前緣高度調整為145mm-160mm,座倚靠背傾角則為95°,以及車用螢幕之配置應為580mm。而在低男族群方面,座椅前後移動距離應為470mm-540mm,座墊前緣高度調整為145mm-160mm,座倚靠背傾角則為95°,以及車用螢幕之配置應為580mm。最後在女性族群方面,座椅前後移動距離應為470mm-540mm,座墊前緣高度調整為145mm-160mm,座倚靠背傾角則為100°,以及車用螢幕之配置應為580mm。而時間因子對於駕駛行為中,經由動作資料與眨眼率的分析顯示,一般駕駛者在駕駛的第30分鐘以及第25分鐘即有可能開始產生疲勞感。 最後將受測者的身高、體重以及人體各部位尺寸以及座椅可調整尺寸之五個實驗因子做為改良式倒傳遞類神經的輸入項,而NASA-TLX的評量項目、車用螢幕正確率以及眨眼率等作為輸出項,進行倒傳遞類神經網路學習。得知此預測模式有相當好的預測效果,尤其是女性族群比男性族群還要來的好。所以此預測模式對於設計師以及駕駛者都能提供相當良好的預測效果。


With the development of communication technique, the information can be provided to the drivers by GPS. Therefore, not only the proper communicational interface, but also the comfortable seats are important to drivers. Therefore, the placement of GPS display of car-interior was investigated, firstly. Then, the experiment was done by a driving simulator and the comfort level was analyzed by NASA-TLX, blink rate and GPS accuracy. For tall-male group, the movement of seat is 540mm-610mm, the height of seat is not specific, the inclination of seat is 95°-100° and the height of GPS display is 580mm. For average-male group, the movement of seat is 540mm-610mm, the height of seat is 145mm-160mm, the inclination of seat is 95°and the height of GPS display is 580mm. For short-male, the movement of seat is 540mm, the height of seat is 145mm, the inclination of seat is 95° and the height of GPS display is 580mm. For female group, the movement of seat is 540mm, the height of seat is145mm, the inclination of seat is 100° and the height of GPS display is 580mm. The postural angles was analyzed that drivers might feel uncomfortable at the 30-minute, but the blink rate was analyzed that when the driving process was over the 25-minute, the drivers may tend to feel uncomfortable. Finally, the back-propagation neural network was done with the input (height, weight and the dimensions of the parts of body of subjects) and the output (NASA-TLX, GPS display accuracy and blink rate). The forecasting model is good for car-interior designer and the drivers.


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