  • 學位論文


A Study of Optimum Interface of Navigation in Automobile for Different Road Situation

指導教授 : 吳志富


車用導航產品日趨成熟,儼然成為大眾經常使用的消費性電子產品之一,雖然語音撥放的重要性高於導航的圖像式介面,但是語音亦有稍縱即逝的缺點,反之圖像式介面卻可以使駕駛者重新檢視。並且有鑑於市面上導航圖像式介面,各大廠牌差異頗大,何者介面安排可以降低駕駛者駕駛失敗率,提升行車安全,為本研究目標。 本研究首先以文獻探討與收集2008到2009年最新上市的導航機型介面的方式,調查影響駕駛者最大的圖像示介面。本研究設定變數:六種路況(快速道路下橋、主次要道路右轉、主次要道路左轉、主次要道路上橋、服務道路右轉、服務道路左轉);兩種方向倒數介面(大、小介面圖示);三種擬真畫面(無、半畫面、全畫面)以及兩種擬真畫面出現的時機(道路速限*2.5、當時車速*2.5)。配合虛擬實境研究室的駕駛模擬器、導航螢幕模擬,進行模擬駕駛。效標以駕駛正確率之客觀評量與心智負荷主觀評量為評估數據。 經研究後發現,在大部分的路況下,大的方向倒數介面明顯優於小介面;有擬真畫面的版本駕駛正確率高於無擬真畫面;而其中時機變數方面,依照車速作調整擬真畫面出現時機,其駕駛正確率高於以道路速限做調整的時機。若擬真畫面出現時機以當時車速*2.5秒做修正,可以明顯改善駕駛效率與安全,達到行車安全的目的。


With driving simulator as the tool, the researcher explores graphic interfaces of navigation system in the market. The purpose is to enhance correct driving turning and reduce driving load for higher driving safety. Based on the navigation system in the market between 2008 and 2009, elements of affecting interface are investigated. Independent variables: six road conditions (going down from bridge rapidly from the roads, turning right on major/secondary roads, turning left on major/secondary roads, going up the bridge from major/secondary roads, turning right on service roads, and turning left on service roads); reciprocal interface of two directions (large and small icons); three simulation pictures (none, half picture and full picture) and distance between appearance of two simulation pictures in meters (road speed per hour *2.5 seconds, when car speed per hour *2.5 second). Under most of road conditions, reciprocal interface of large direction is better than that of small direction; driving accuracy with simulation pictures is higher than that without; appearance timing of simulation pictures adjusted to car speed is better than that to road speed limit.


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