  • 學位論文


The Influence of Contract Capacity on Power Rate for High Voltage Consumers

指導教授 : 郭鴻森


中文摘要 本研究主要針對工業級高壓二段式電費用戶,按每月電費計算結構中去探究包含基本電費、流動電費、功率調整費及超約附加費之由來以及之間相互關係為何?利用程式解析將實際整年度尖峰需量用電千瓦數列為參數,以期找到最佳契約容量值,進而協助用戶利用此方式,改善用電習慣讓在國內用電量佔50%以上之工業級高壓用戶能重視節約能源。 將探討在能源取得不易以及發電成本不斷升高之各種因素下,並對台電針對用電負載管理措施之解釋及自我見解之後,以相關參考文獻以及最佳契約容量運用實例了解目前學界對於節能所提方案為何?進而在對高壓用戶二段式時間電價之計費方式,作背景知識瞭解,同時探究是否尚有其他節省電費之方法,透過實際例子以高壓用電戶整體用電狀況,以整年度實際用電度數所產生費用,利用軟體計算出最佳之契約容量值,進一步以三種不同用電型態分別求得最佳契約值作為重定契約參考值,透過合併機制,藉由計算出規劃前後電費成本的差異關係,改善一般用戶對於電費的多寡不再只是數字的概念,而是整體支出所考量部分。 經過A、B、C三不同類型用戶實例證明確實尚有節省電費空間,而且經過合併由程式模擬其預估金額以「集中控管模式」概念,發現如此竟還能有節省電費空間,以此結論不僅使用戶因此重視節約能源的重要,並且對於合併電號及契約容量申請提供另一選擇,並且間接幫助國家的能源政策,希望此篇論文可為身為地球村之一員盡微薄之力。




ABSTRACT This research is intend to focus on two types of the industry class high-voltage consumer, investigating various kind of electricity fees, including demand charge, energy charge, power factor charge and penalty charge, and correlation among them according to the monthly electricity fee calculation structure in the past. Using computer program analysis function, the optimum contract capacity can be derived by selecting annual peak load as a key parameter, moreover, for those Industrial Class Consumer, whose power consumption is more than 50%, making use this method can help them improving plant operation power consumption, so as to fulfill energy saving goal. Considering the difficulty the sources of energy and increasing power generation cost, interpreting TPC power load management measures with self opinion, referring related papers and example of optimum contract capacity application, and realizing current energy-saving policy from scholars, we can adopt two types of the industry class for high-voltage consumer, as knowledge base. At the same time, we can search for other electrical fee-saving measure, applying to actual example of user plant-wide power consumption for high-voltage consumer, which use annual kilowatt consumption and associated fee, to computer program to derive the optimum contract capacity. Furthermore, to verify if such optimum contract capacity is reasonable, three other different types of customers will be applied to this optimum contract capacity as well. Subsequently based on electrical fee deviation between pre-merge and post-merge, the feasibility of merge can be considered. Therefore, the electrical fee for normal user is not only figure, but also whole electrical fee. It is obviously that there is margin for electricity-fee saving in accordance with A, B and C three examples. Moreover, through merging and applying to optimum contract capacity with “Centralize Control Mode” concept simulating electrical fee. It is found, to our surprised, that there is wide margin for saving electrical fees. In conclusion, the user to notice the importance of energy saving and offer alternative for application of merge contract capacity. Hopefully it will enhance the promotion of National energy policy. As a member of globalization citizen, we shall make every effort to save the Earth.


【1】 顧克平「台電契約容量之動態調整研究」,元智大學資訊管理學系碩士論文,民國90年6月。
【2】 能源報導-校園內能源問題,民國93年6月份,頁次35。
【3】 能源報導-國內能源翦影,民國93年5月份,頁次38。
【4】 用電負載管理措施簡介,台灣電力公司,民國93年。


