  • 學位論文


A Study on the Interface Usability of KTV Song Ordering System

指導教授 : 林季雄


摘 要 自從台北市於民國七十七年出現了第一家 KTV「野馬西餐廳」之後,即在台灣各地娛樂性服務業市場快速的蓬勃發展,對於提供人們歌唱聚會的休閒空間,舒解現代人緊張之工作情緒有正面之功能。消費者到 KTV 唱歌,最直接接觸部分為選擇歌曲準備唱歌,在選擇歌曲輸入歌曲名稱的部分,除了從遙控器輸入外,另一種是從電腦點歌螢幕上選擇;從遙控器輸入,需配合點歌簿僅能輸入歌曲名稱代號,無法像從點歌螢幕上去查詢各種類別之點歌型式及可用不同的多種方式找到想要選擇之歌曲;因此 KTV 電腦點歌螢幕版面設計的好壞,在消費過程中是否能在節省顧客之時間考量下有較佳的服務品質愈顯得重要。本研究之目的,主要是要了解 KTV 點歌版面設計的好壞對於消費者的操作舒適度、操作效率是否有影響,及如何讓消費者透過電腦螢幕點歌,能快速又正確的點選到所要唱的歌曲,以節省點歌時間,而有多餘時間歡心唱歌。 在研究上透過對現有 KTV 電腦點歌螢幕版面設計之分析,針對現有各家KTV版面之間的差異,以使用性工程方法探討點歌版面設計之操作介面,並提出新的版面設計原則。研究方法採用實證研究法分為兩個階段實驗,在第一階段之先期實驗部分,經對現有版面做主、客觀之評量實驗,分析出不同的點歌版面在使用性上之差異,並藉由此差異與文獻探討而歸納出 KTV 版面設計原則及方針,進而設計出新的版面;第二階段為驗證實驗,以現有三家版面及新設計版面合計共四個版面,以主、客觀實驗方式作測試;邀請台北地區之受測者 30名參與,年齡層以最常去 KTV 之消費者年齡集中在 20~29 歲佔有 28 名(93.3%)之人員為樣本。在問卷調查方面以敘述性統計方式分析,在客觀方面採用雙因子區集變異數分析(ANOVA)及主觀方面採用菲德曼測試(Friedman test)之排序方式分析,並搭配最小顯著差異法(LSD)作群組統計分析。 經實驗結果顯示,新設計版面在客觀評量上有搜尋時間最短及標準差最小等現象,即有辨識性、選擇性、清楚度、速度性、操作性及搜尋時間等效標較佳之優點,能夠更有效率的進行點歌作業,亦即有較佳之操作介面。


Abstract Since the first Karaoka TV (KTV)---Bronco Western Restaurant appeared in Taipei in 1988, KTV has become a popular entertainment in service industry across Taiwan. It offers a leisure space for people to sing, gather and relax after one-day tight work. When a consumer comes to a KTV, the common action is selecting songs to sing. In song-selection process, one method is to enter the song code by remote controller, while the other method is selecting songs from computer screen. With “Input by controller” method, the user should depend on song-selection book to find a song’s code and then enter. While with “select from screen” method, the user can search a song by multiple song-selection items or from song categories. So the KTV song-selection menu is in the place to save more time and give a better service to the customer. The purpose of this study is mainly to design a good song-selection menu in terms of comfortability, operation efficiency By analyzing the designs of existing KTV song-selection menus and reviewing literatures, the author discussed the user interface of menu design and put forward the new design guildlines of new-developed menu. The second stage is a verifying experiment. 3 existing menus and the new-developed menu are compared objectively and subjectively. 30 subjects from Taipei district were invited. Among them, 28 subjects (93.3%) are in the age between from 20 to 29, who are belonged to the group of the highest frequency of visiting KTV. The results of questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive statistics; the objective measurements by a 2-way ANOVA; the subjective ranks by the Friedman test, and LSD is also employed if necessary. The findings indicate the new-developed menu has the shortest time for song selection with the lowest standard deviation. In addition, for the customer, it has advantages usability and efficiency ; i. e., it is easier in understanding, distinguishing, selecting, reading, and operating. Hope fully, this research could contribute to the industry of KTV.


KTV menu design song-selection menu usability user interface


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