  • 學位論文


A Study on the Customers' Preferences of 3G Applications

指導教授 : 羅致遠


隨著國內五家擁有3G執照的電信業者陸續開台啟用,台灣已正式進入行動上網時代。3G之CDMA系統與現今市場飽和的GSM最大差別即在其高速之傳輸速率,藉此能提供比2.5代GPRS技術更有效率、多樣且精緻的應用服務。透過高階的3G手機,諸如影像電話、身分認證、多媒體應用、電子商務、無線傳輸、行動定位等服務內容都將一手掌握。 本研究旨在:1.確立不同生活型態消費者對3G應用服務偏好是否具一定程度之相關聯性。2.藉由生活型態與手機設計特點、網路、手機使用模式及人口統計因素交叉分析出不同消費族群對3G應用服務偏好之差異。3.依「3G應用服務與手機條件偏好次數矩陣表」裡五種不同相關程度狀況配對所顯示之市場需求,以手機(設計)廠、3G應用服務內容供應商不同角度進行建議。 實驗透過多面向生活型態調查;3G應用服務、手機特點偏好;網路與手機使用模式、偏好及人口統計因素共五部分,以網路問卷形式進行。由127名受測樣本回收之資料分析結果可得: 1.年輕時髦型、成熟寬裕型、實際保守型、活躍執著型,四個生活型態互異之消費族群對3G應用服務偏好確實存在差異性。 2.Ⅰ 網路使用模式、偏好:實際保守型消費者在「使用網路主要目的」裡的「獲取資訊(資料)」、「線上學習」、「工作需求」及「瀏覽網站」偏好比例皆為四群最高,且「付費意願較高之線上應用」裡的「線上學習」比例遠高過他群。 Ⅱ 手機使用模式、偏好:實際保守型在「功能、應用偏好」的「傳送純文字簡訊」、「聽MP3」及「玩遊戲」亦是最高;未使用過「加值服務」及「WAP、GPRS、Qma(亞太行動電信之服務品牌)」的比例最高。 Ⅲ 3G應用服務偏好:四族群消費者皆對包括「視訊電話」、「即時地圖」、「Friend Finder(朋友間透過GPS輕鬆約會)」、「當地資訊瀏覽」及「Keep Your Loved Ones Close(GPS尋人)」的應用服務群三興趣最高。另,成熟寬裕型消費者對應用服務興趣最高。 Ⅳ 3G第一波使者用:研究發現消費欲求高且自主,喜歡流行、高質感及炫麗的產品,亦願花較高的金額購買,並具意見領袖特質的年輕時髦型消費者最可能為之。


Following the five domestic telecommunication operators launches their 3G services, Taiwan has got into the era of mobile internet. The high speed data transmit rate is the main difference between CDMA of 3G and market saturated GSM to date, so as to offer more efficient, various and finer application content than GPRS of 2.5G. Service contents such as video phone, entrance identification, multimedia applications, E-commerce, wireless transmission, and mobile positioning are able to handle easily via high end 3G cell phone. The purpose of this study listed below: 1. To confirm if there exist certain level of relationship between different lifestyle consumer and their 3G applications preference. 2. To cross analyze through lifestyle, cell phone features, usage mode of internet and cell phone, and factors of demographic statistics gaining difference of consumer groups’ 3G applications preferences. 3. Recommending to cell phone company and 3G application content provider by marking needs shown by five connecting conditions of table “preference frequency matrix of 3G applications and cell phone features”. The survey conducted by five parts including: multiple direction lifestyle, 3G applications, preference of cell phone features, usages mode of internet and cell phone and factors of demographic statistics, and proceeded with web questionnaire. The analysis result from the data retrieved by 127 subjects listed below: 1. The difference of 3G applications preference of four different lifestyle consumer groups exists that had verified. 2. Ⅰ The usage mode of internet: The “practical conservative type” consumers have the highest preference rate in four groups with “Gaining information (data)”, “On line learning”, “For business”, and “website browsing” of “Main purpose of using internet”. Their rate in “On line learning” of “On line applications of willing to pay” is much higher than others. Ⅱ The usage mode of cell phone: The “practical conservative type” consumers have the highest preference rate in four groups with “Sending SMS”, “MP3”, “Games” of “Preference of Functions and Applications” and the rate of never using “Value-added service”, “WAP, GPRS and Qma” are the highest. Ⅲ The preference of 3G applications: Four consumer groups are all most interested in the third cluster, including: “video phone”, “Real Maps”, “Friend Finder (easy date via GPS)”, “City Scanner” and “Keep Your Loved Ones Close (people locating)”. Then “mature well-off type” consumer group is most interested in 3G applications than other group. Ⅳ First wave user of 3G: The study found “young trendy” consumer group tend to shopping and decide by their own opinions, like fashion, high quality and brilliant product, willing to spend more to purchase them, have trait of opinion-leader, who are most probable to be the first wave user of 3G.


電腦家庭文化事業股份有限公司,第22期 p8
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