  • 學位論文


Study on Surface Characteristics of DC53 Steel Treated by Nitriding and Arc-PVD Coating

指導教授 : 許正勳


本研究主要是利用陰極電弧(Cathodic arc deposition, CAD)沉積系統,並對DC53鋼材施以鍍膜處理;以及滲氮和鍍膜之複合處理。因TiN、TiAlN、TiCN鍍膜各有其優缺點,且此三種鍍膜也已被廣泛研究討論,因此本實驗同時使用TiAlSi合金與Cr金屬兩種靶材,通入N2氣氛為製程條件,來沈積AlTiSiN與AlTiCrN/CrN兩種混合鍍膜,以期得到較廣泛研究之鍍膜優異的性質,並與鋼材滲氮效應做比較。再分別以X光繞射儀(XRD)、掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM),觀察鍍膜微結構及組織型態;鍍膜特性分析方面以水接觸角(Contact angle of water)、附著性(Adhesion)、硬度(Hardness)、及抗腐蝕(Corrosion)性,來探討鍍膜性質的變化及影響。 經實驗得知,滲氮改善了CAD的表面硬度,在表面粗操度、鍍膜附著性與孔隙率反而為下降,因其生成滲氮脆性層,造成附著度下降,在抗蝕性方面DC53鍍膜有較好的表現,滲氮DC53表現則次之。


The work investigated to improve the surface treatment by Cathodic Arc Deposition (CAD) system with fill. Because the TiN、TiAlN and TiCN coatings are popularly investigated before. Thereby, in this case, use TiAlSi target and Cr target moreover N2 gas was through into with the process parameters to deposited AlTiSiN and AlTiCrN/CrN two mixed films, and then study the structure of the coatings by XRD, the morphology by SEM, on the characteristics, we measure the adhesions, the hardness, and the corrosion behaviors. They expect to obtain excellent properties besides to compare with Nitrided DC53 steel. Via knew with the experiment, Nitriding improves surface hardness, there are big drop in roughness (Ra)、adhesion and porosity, moreover the structure remain still. Also because the bad adhesion decrease to took effect with the corrosion resistance.


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