  • 學位論文


A Study of Innovative Design of Cellular Phone For The Elderly

指導教授 : 林季雄


無論是已開發或開發中國家,新的社會形態已面臨生育力的降低,年輕人口迅速的萎縮,全球各國都面臨高齡化人口增加的趨勢,如何因應由於人類壽命延長及出生率降低造成的人口結構轉變所帶來的挑戰以及可能的新興產業機會。台灣近年來也跟其他已開發國家一樣,邁入高齡化的社會,隨之而來的是面臨許多高齡化社會問題。 本論文研究主要以65歲以上高齡化族群為研究對象,以高齡化族群對於行動電話需求為目標,設計出適合高齡化人口的行動電話,本論文研究流程主要分為四個階段:第一階段「文獻資料的收集與整理」,收集國內外高齡化人口的研究資料,高齡族群人機介面的研究,和現有行動電話的分析,以作為問卷調查內容的依據。第二階段「問卷調查」,以SET三要素(社會、經濟與科技)和LEF(生活型態、人因工程、功能特色)三要素為問卷調查的內容,然後將問卷調查資料利用統計分析工具,尋找高齡化族群對使用行動電話的需求和期望,並擬定產品創新設計的方針。第三階段是「概念視覺化」,利用構想發展和電腦輔助設計,將概念以電腦做視覺化的呈現。這階段總共提出A、B、C、D、E、F六個設計案,第四階段是「設計評估」,透過第二階段的設計驗證問卷調查,內容包括產品造型風格、人因工程和功能特色,最後得知本研究所提出的設計案能滿足高齡男性和女性兩族群的需求。 在設計個案的偏好中,男性族群偏好設計案F,女性族群偏好設計案E,男性族群和女性族群對六個設計案的接受度普遍差異不大,沒有接受度過低的結果,男性和女性族群對設計案A和B有低於3的評價,顯示A和B設計案對兩個族群的需求有需要改善且加強的地方。 最後將六個設計案中和設計方針相對照,針對設計給高齡族群使用的功能,提出兩案修正案,設計案A針對電子地圖使用功能,設計案B針對電子錢包功能,利用評估問卷調查發現,男性對修正案A評價較高,女性對修正案B評價較高。並利用這兩個功能操作步驟的視覺模擬說明,描述針對高齡族群設計的貼心功能,讓設計案更趨完善。 關鍵字:高齡化、行動電話、產品創新設計


No matter it’s a developed or developing country, new type of social structure is due to fast growth of aging population, because the reduction of fertility, shrinkage of young population, countries around the world are facing the tendency towards increase of aging population, how to respond to the structural change of population caused by longer life span and decrease of birth rate, and the changes as well as the possible opportunities, which also create many opportunities for innovative industries . In recent years, Taiwan has also joined other developed countries in becoming an aging society, accompanying with problems caused by it. This essay mainly studies the group of aging people over 65, applying the innovative product design to cell phones, aiming at the request of aging people for cell phones, creating cell phones which are suitable for aging people, the procedure of this essay is divided into four stages: Stage 1 “ the collection and arrangement of documentary data” collecting the research information of aging population from Taiwan and foreign countries, studying the human-machine media of aging people and current analysis of cell phones, on which the content of questionnaires will be based .Stage 2 “questionnaires” by applying the statistical and analytical tools to the questionnaire data, find aging people’s needs and expectations for using cell phones and summarize the new direction for new product design. Stage 3 “visualizing the concept” by using the development of concept and the assistance of computer design, make the visual display of the concept on the computer. This stage bring up A、B、C、D、E、F, six design concepts. Stage 4 “design evaluation” through the research of questionnaires, to evaluate and verify the design project. In terms of design preferences, male preferred Design F; female preferred Design E, men population and women population for the six design concepts, the accepting degree is not difference. Male and female population for the A design’s evaluation is lower than three, prevent that A design may need to be improved and evaluation. Finally, checking six design concepts with design guiding principle, for the function of elderly population, to bring up two modified designs. Design A focus on the function of electronic map. Design B focus on the function of electronic trade. Using the estimative questionnaires to investigate. And using the two function operating stages for visualizing simulation, and describing the functions for the elderly, to make design better. Key words: elderly, cell phones, product innovative design


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