  • 學位論文


A Study on Innovation Design of Mobile Phone Implemented by Flexible Display for People at Middle Age

指導教授 : 林季雄


軟性面板是近年發展出的新顯示技術,其輕薄、耐衝擊、可撓曲等特性,相當適合運用於各種可攜帶的電子產品上。再加上製造成本的優勢,軟性面板極有機會在新興市場取得機會。而隨著社會逐漸邁入高齡化,中高齡族群的需求也開始受到重視。市面上已出現許多針對五十歲以上之中高齡者量身打造的行動電話,由此即可得知行動電話業者已注意到中高齡族群市場的成長。中高齡行動電話的發展,將會是行動電話未來藍圖中的一個重要部分。 因此,本研究將軟性面板應用於中高齡行動電話的設計之中,透過文獻調查與焦點訪談,深入了解現今中高齡者在行動電話使用上的問題、需求與行為,同時也調查中高齡族群對於新型態行動電話之接受度,以及對於未來行動電話發展的期望。 根據訪談結果,本研究將受測者分成不能接受新型態行動電話的族群A與可以接受新型態行動電話的族群B。針對此兩個族群提出3個設計方向,6個設計案供受測者評估。利用單因子變異數分析與獨立T檢定來探討兩族群間的差異。 研究結果顯示,族群A較重視介面操作的舒適度,偏好具傳統操作形式的行動電話;族群B較重視攜帶的便利性,偏好輕薄且在攜帶方式上具有自由度的行動電話。而本研究所提出之同時針對A、B族群需求的子母機型式設計案,也能獲得兩族群的認同。


Flexible panel is a new display technology developed in recent years. It’s fairly suitable for applications in portable electronic products for its thinness, shockproof, and flexibility. Besides it’s advantage in manufacturing cost, these features can secure its opportunities in the new market. On the other hand, the needs of the middle-aged people come to be valued with the aging process of society. In the current market, we can find many mobile phones specially designed for the middle-aged people in 50s or above, which indicates that the mobile phone industry has noticed the growth of the market of the middle-aged and seniors. Mobile phones designed for the middle-aged people will be an important part in the future development plans of mobile phones. Our study aims to apply flexible panels to the design of mobile phones for the middle-aged people. Through reference review and focus interviews, we want to further understand the middle-aged people about their questions, needs and behaviors in using mobile phones, and their expectations as to the future development of mobile phones as well. Given the results of the interviews, we divide the interviewees into 2 groups: in group A are those reluctant to accept mobile phones in new types, while in group B are those willing to accept them. We offer 3 design directions and 6 design plans for these 2 groups to evaluate, and explore the differences between these 2 groups with the help of 1-Way ANOVA and independent samples T-test. The results reveal that group A attaches more importance to operational comfort and prefers mobile phone with traditional operation patterns; while group B values portability and prefers light, thin, portable mobile phones. Both groups identify with the main phone/handset type our study designs for them.


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