  • 學位論文


A Usability Study on the User Interface of Blog Setting for People at Middle Age

指導教授 : 陳立杰


由於醫療衛生之進步,中高齡人口比例急速上升,社會人口結構老化的程度增加;生理機能逐年退化,隨著子女的成長外出工作減少親子間接觸與相處時間,造成心靈上的空虛。缺乏談心分享生活點滴的對象,卻又不知從何尋求管道。近年來新興的網路現象-部落格(Blog),能夠分享自己的生活日誌、照片、影片,況且不同部落格之間,可以彼此串聯,對於中高齡者而言,這將是一個可以讓他們盡情抒發自己的情感,結識志同道合的朋友的平台。 部落格也提供了個人化的功能,中高齡者可依照自己的喜好設定部落格。然而,現今部落格網站的設定介面並未考量到中高齡使用者,除了會造成使用上的障礙,還有可能會產生排斥陌生的感覺,而失去了使用部落格的興趣。 本研究旨在探討中高齡者架設部落格之介面研究,以目前台灣市面上現有的XUITE部落格(可提供一般人申請帳號及設定個人部落格之網站)做為測試網頁,針對設定部落格的介面與流程,提出兩大設計因子:導覽與頁面配置搭配文字圖形。受測者將針對本研究提出的兩套實驗用部落格與現有的XUITE部落格,進行實驗。利用t件檢定與單因子變異數分析檢定不同的導覽與頁面配置搭配文字圖形對完成任務時間、主觀評量是否有差異。 研究結果顯示,在一個適合中高齡者的部落格設定頁面中:(1) 頁面上的資訊要在單一頁面中呈現,不使用捲軸。(2) 導覽列要以兩層選單的方式安排在畫面左側。(3) 導覽列的第二層選單以設定頁面預覽圖片搭配文字並呈輔助說明選單。(4) 決定類型的按鍵位置需要一致。(5) 決定類型按鍵可以固定不動或是使用浮動選單皆可。(6) 版面編排之欄位移動方式為「使用滑鼠移動到欄位上之後按住左鍵不放,直接拖曳欄位,拖曳到適當位置之後鬆開滑鼠左鍵,以完成動作」。(7) 文章與或回應的管理工具,需要安排在文章後方。(8) 應該簡化文章與或回應的管理工具之操作步驟並且放大目標物。


With the progressive decline of the birth rate, the proportions of middle-aged people rise rapidly. Before retiring, physiological functions of people tend to degrade year by year. After retiring, their children need to go to work, which reducing the time of getting along with parents. The middle-aged people need to talk with somebody who can share daily life, but does not know where to find people who are willing to chat with them. Weblog is a technology appearing in recent years. It can share the daily record of one's own life, photo, and film. Moreover, between different Blogs, people can contact each other to find someones who had the same interest easily. For middle-aged people, Blogs can let them express their own emotion heartily and get to know the friends with the same interest. However, current Blog tools do not consider the needs of middle-aged people. These tools are not easy to use and hard to draw the interests of people at this age. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the user interface of Blog setting for middle-aged people. The author took XUITE as an example for survery. This Blog hosting site could offer people to apply for the account number and set up websites of their own Blogs. Using XUITE for pilot testing, the author focused on the problems in user interfaces and procedures of Blog setting. After the analysis of the survey, two design factors, i.e., navigation aids and page layout with component manipulation were studied. Based on these design factors, two newly designed user interfaces of Blog setting were used for the experiments. In the experiments, three groups of participants performed tasks on two experiment user interfaces and the one provided in XUITE. After these expements, the researcher used Analysis of Variance to determine whether there were significant differences among three user interfaces in task completion time and subjective evaluation. After the analysis, the following results were induced. (1) On a webpage of Blog setting for the middle-aged people, the information on the page should be arranged to present in a single page without scrollbar. (2) The navigation aids should be placed on the left hand side of the screen with two hierarchical levels. (3) The second level of menus can be text-noly menu or text-with-picture menu. (4) The position of deterministic button should be consistent. (5) The style of deterministic buttons can be fixed in position or located in a floating menu. (6) Draging with the left button of a mouse is the best way of moving a component while customizing the layout of Blogs. (7) In the page of managing the article or the response, management tools should be arranged right after the title of the article. (8) The manipulation of management tools should be simple and with bigger targets.


middle-aged people user interface Blog


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