  • 學位論文


Research and Implement on The Intelligent Glucose Meter

指導教授 : 王鐘毅


本研究的目標是研發、製作出一款可規劃式的生化感測儀器,用以量測葡萄糖 濃度;目前被廣泛應用在醫療市場上的血糖機,即是這方面的代表。 為了能完成這研究目標,首先必須對葡萄糖測試片的電化學反應原理有所了 解,其次再選定一款市售血糖機作為觀察及模擬的對象。透過一些簡單的操作及 測試後,預先建立起整體系統的功能規格,最後再構思軟、硬體間的搭配關係, 經由實作與不斷的修正,逐步完成此系統。 完成的成品除了具有血糖機的所有功能,同時也可成為研究血糖測試片特性的 儀器。為達到可應用於分析各種兩極式血糖測試片的特性,本系統在硬體方面保 留了另一組外接式的接線夾,以便夾取各種血糖測試片的兩電極;為配合各種血 糖測試片所需的電極偏壓不同,可經由本系統的編輯畫面設定兩電極間的電壓, 範圍為-0.975V~+0.975V,解析度為3.8mV;對於電化學反應初期的不穩定現象, 本系統的編輯畫面中也提供了兩種不同量測模式,讓使用者選擇;最後再透過本 系統所提供的電流記錄功能和個人電腦的應用軟體結合使用,即可畫出於不同葡 萄糖濃度時,血糖測試片的特性曲線,在成品製作與測試的章節中,將展示出此 等應用範例。所以對於血糖測試片的研究者而言,本系統不啻為一種重要的檢測 工具。 本研究的另一特點,是使用者可自行建立轉換式,將電化學反應的電流值轉換成葡萄糖濃度值。對於此和血糖測試片特性息息相關的轉換式而言,市場上的血糖機均依靠額外插卡的方式,讀入修正誤差值或整組轉換式,此額外插卡即其使用手冊中所稱的“密碼卡”,各廠商所設計的內部資料格式均不相同,因此本成品內部的資料結構也和所有廠商皆不同,是自行定義的資料格式;在成品製作與測試的章節中,將展示這方面的操作實例。對於建立完成的轉換式匯出,以便其它機器匯入使用,也是本成品比市售血糖機多出的便利功能。 由上述可知,本研究應可被視為探索血糖機設計和分析血糖測試片特性的良好論述與實證。


The goal of the study is to develop a programmable biochemical instrument, which can measure the blood glucose concentration. To achieve this target, one has to understand the biochemical reaction theories of blood glucose testing kits. A commercial blood glucose meter was chosen as a controlled unit. We examined the relationships between the hardware and software, to learn the implementation of the system. In order to analyze the two polar characteristics of blood glucose kit, the system hardware reserves an external grabber to connect to blood glucose kit’s electrodes. Since most of the blood glucose kits need to be supplied with different bias voltage, it is designed to be adjustable from system’s editing menu. The bias voltage is in the range of -0.975V to +0.975V, and the resolution is 3.8mV. To prevent the unstable phenomenon of initial electrochemical reaction, the editing menu supports two different measuring modes by user. Using the system support of electrical current recording function and PC’s application programs, various curves of glucose concentration profiles of blood glucose kit can be plotted. The finished system includes all the functions of a blood glucose meter, and it can also be used as an instrument to study the characteristics of blood glucose measuring kits. Most of blood glucose meters in the market read the blood glucose kit’s tolerance or formula by using an extra card which is called a “security card”, and its internal structure can vary between makers. Hence, the device’s data structure is different from each others. In device implementation and testing chapter, the operation example will be also demonstrated. The completed transfer formula can be exported to the other instrument that supports different import from“security card”. This is an additional convenient feature when compared with blood glucose meters sold in existing market. This study can be considered to be a good work that explores both the blood glucose meter designs and the analytical characteristics of blood glucose kits.


2. 林敬致(2006),無線可攜式生化感測儀,國立臺灣大學醫學工程學研究所碩
4. 邱世欽 莊峻鍠,自我血糖監測儀之最新進展,林口長庚紀念醫院。
7. 郭庭吉,8051 C語言專題製作,台科大圖書股份有限公司。
13. 網站,www.apexbio.com.tw ,五鼎生技股份有限公司。
15. MultiSure血糖尿酸雙功能測試儀操作手冊,五鼎生技股份有限公司。


