  • 學位論文

個人化知識管理平台輔助教學效能初探 –以大學教師為例

An Evaluation Study Of Teaching Effectiveness Enhancement For PKM Platform Instruction

指導教授 : 曾章瑞


在數位化的時代中,教與學的型態正急劇改變。進入21世紀後,由於資訊通信技術(Information Communication Technology,ICT)更加成熟,隨著這樣的變化,加上網際網路及電腦多媒體蓬勃興盛,以網際網路做為基石的新興教學方式逐漸受到重視。這樣的改變將會使個人化知識管理(PKM)的影響力逐漸增加,不管是教師在教學或是研究過程中,現代教師若能加入個人化知識管理要素,將能夠更有效發揮教師個人終身卓越學習加值(Value-Added Learning until Excellence ; VALuE)。本研究提出個人化知識管理數位平台為順應社會發展趨勢與現今教育環境中,能夠輔助教師在教學行為上,藉由個人化知識管理的發揮以輔助教師提昇教學效能,滿足學習者需求的最佳途徑之一。


In the era of digitalization, the forms of teaching and learning are changing dramatically. After entering the 21st century, and due to the continuing developments of the Information Communication Technology (ICT), and the bloom of the internet and multimedia computer, therefore the merging of teaching methods based on the internet has been emphasized gradually. Such changes will increase the influence of the Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) progressively. If the modern teachers can add in the essentials of the PKM while teaching or during their research process, it will allow them to amplify their lifelong “Value-Added Learning until Excellence (VALuE) with greater effectiveness. This research addresses that, in order to orientate society’s development trends and today’s educational environment, the PKM digital platform provides assistance for teachers to promote their teaching effectiveness to the maximum, an optimal way for further satisfying the learners.


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林宇洋(2010)。e-KM 2.0 知識管理平台之建置〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.10765
