  • 學位論文

Web 2.0 知識平台加值分享機制設計與實作 -以網絡化個人知識平台為例

A Practice and Design of Knowledge-sharing and Value-added Web 2.0 Platform –Case of Network-based Personal Knowledge Platform

指導教授 : 曾章瑞


資訊通訊技術(ICT)發展打破了各個地域之間的實體疆界,也使得網路應用服務的取得越來越容易,Web 2.0、Web 3.0服務模式讓網路應用服務更多元,全球化、知識社會蓬勃的發展,加上行動工具的發展及廣泛應用,使得全球的知識工作者需要擁有迅速掌握資訊、應用知識的能力,個人化知識管理的趨勢更已逐漸明朗。惟個人知識管理的養成過程中,網路虛擬社群的經營佔著極重要的地位。在虛擬的網路世界中,社群活動的力量相當驚人,透過網路平台的應用,社群中的每個人自然地與其他人分享個人專門的知識技能;藉由群體的知識力量,讓個人在知識的廣度與深度上有提升的助益;因此,虛擬社群活動的過程中,完善的知識平台輔助更能達到知識分享的極大效益。 個人化知識管理平台除了提供知識訊息,還要能提供虛擬社群溝通的管道,知識產生的過程需要不斷的假設、推翻,從隱性到顯性,完成知識轉移,並達到最後知識具體化的結論。惟探索知識轉化過程所需的雙向即時溝通管道,在目前的個人化知識管理平台上似乎比較缺乏;因此本研究從社群的活動與管理,個人化知識管理平台的整合應用上探討著手,擬以「知識加值分享」之應用模組設計實作,充實網絡化個人知識管理加值平台,希望能藉由此Web 2.0 知識平台的實作來活絡知識產生過程中的效益。


Information and communication technology has broken all boundaries between the entities, but also makes it easier to obtain network application services. Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 service model make greater network application service. Because of globalization and fast development of knowledge-based society, knowledge workers around the world need to be able to quickly grasp information and knowledge. Personal knowledge management has been gradually taking shape. In the development process of personal knowledge, the activity of virtual community network plays a very important role. The strength of community in the virtual network is very amazing. Through the application of network platform, community members naturally share their specialized knowledge and skills. By the knowledge power of groups, individuals can improve their knowledge in breadth and depth. In the process of virtual community activities, the better knowledge platform will make better knowledge sharing. The personal knowledge management platform provides not only information, but also communication channels for virtual community. The generation of knowledge needs many assumptions and overthrows to reach a conclusion. Such a communication channel in the current personal knowledge management platform seems to lack. So this study starts from community activities and personal knowledge management platform. Finally this study implements a network-based personal knowledge management platform, which enhances the process of knowledge generation.


Davenport Thomas, “Some Principles of Knowledge Management, ”Business and Strategy, 1995/09
