  • 學位論文

台灣電子製造業於西歐市場之售後服務策略研究 ─ 以多國企業台商公司為例

A Study on After-sale Service Strategy of the Manufacturing Industry in West Europe - Taiwan Multinational Companies Case

指導教授 : 曾章瑞 林淑瓊


歐盟的創立與成長,不僅使其成為世界最重要的區域經濟組織之一,也觸發了其他小區域市場的整合。因此台商加強在歐盟國家的佈局。隨著歐盟擴大,其成員國人民生活成本及物價均提高,帶動電子製造業之成本增加,並使毛利下降。對顧客而言,除了開始要求品質穩定,價格合理外,保固及服務也是重要考量因素。原在歐洲投資之製造業,因此逐漸提高投資項目中售後服務比重,並藉由在地化的客戶服務,提供客戶即時有效的溝通平台,進而擴大潛在客戶層及增加未來企業之利潤。 隨著全球專業分工體系成形,企業必須思考及強化自己在產業價值鏈中的地位,並善用全球資源,將「生產製造、研發設計、業務行銷、運籌物流與維修服務」產銷服務等經營功能,分別建置在得以展現該經營效益的國家或地區。善用全球資源,讓西歐企業得以提供高加值服務。這種經營經驗可供台商在歐盟,尤其是西歐國家的市場中深耕時仿效。相信這會是成功與永續經營的重要關鍵。 本質化個案研究對三家不具名之企業進行深度訪談。所選擇之個案均為跨國性的台灣電子製造業。透過個案的商業模式比較,探討各電子製造業在進入歐盟市場的競爭環境、未來產業發展以及面對歐盟市場的主客觀條件時,台灣多國電子製造業在西歐地區市場競爭的策略模式。 關鍵詞:客戶關係管理、知識管理、售後服務。


The founding and growth of the European Union not only has made it one of the largest regional economic organizations, but also triggered the integration of many other small regional markets. As a result, Taiwan’s business increased its deployment in the EU countries. As the EU grows, the costs of living and retailing prices within many of its Member States increased significantly, driving the costs to soar and profits to dwindle for the consumer electronics manufacturers. In addition to quality and price issues, more and more customers now request more favorable terms in the warranty and services. The Asian manufacturers who have investments in Europe have increased their spending on after-sales services to provide customers an effective real-time platform for feedback, in order to expand the potential client base and increase future profits. As the global division of labor has come of age, businesses must rethink and strengthen their position in the industry-wide value chain. They must utilize global resources and assign their functional units, such as manufacturing, R&D, sales, logistics and services, to the places where their utilities are to be maximized. The wise use of global resources allows the Western world business to provide value-added services. Their experiences shall provide Taiwanese business a guideline if they want to become successfully and sustainably rooted in the European markets, especially in the Western Europe. This qualitative case study collects in-depth interviews of three name-withheld Taiwan-based multi-national electronic manufacturers. By comparing their business models, this study explores the competitive environments for them in the EU, the future trends of the business and their competition strategies in the Western European markets. Keywords: CRM (Customer relationship management), KM (Knowledge management), RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization)




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