  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study and Design of an Mobile Ambient Display for Pedestrian Navigation

指導教授 : 鄭穎懋


雖然現在市面上有許多專為行人所設計的導航系統,但我們認為現在還沒有一個行人導航系統的商業產品切確考量到使用者在與導航系統互動的需求。現存的導航系統都是用圖形化介面將導航資訊呈現給使用者,但我們觀察到使用者在行人情境下與導航系統互動時,使用者必須將視覺注意力放在週遭實體環境的事物上而非導航系統的圖形化介面,導致使用者無法在該情境下有效的透過觀看圖形化介面來獲取需求的導航資訊。 在這篇論文的一開始,我們用週遭環境展現來實做行人導航資訊展現,透過訪問來了解使用者在行人情境下對導航資訊的需求,並應用週遭環境展現透過使用者在行人情境下閒置的觸覺感官裡容易分辨的tactile icon (tacton)參數來呈現使用者需求的導航資訊,讓使用者可以在行人情境下依靠分辨振動參數的變化來獲取他們需求的導航資訊。我們設計實驗來證實使用者可以透過行動週遭環境展現的振動介面來輕易的獲取到他們需求的導航資訊,並且能夠參考這些導航資訊內容正確的行走到目的地。 最後在行人導航系統的實做上,我們用Google Map API、PTK、以及我們根據資訊展現的需求所設計的Tacton Toolkit來實做我們行人導航系統。我們用Google Map API來實做系統的目的地設定介面以及幫助我們做使用者所在地與目的地之間的路徑規劃 ,並用PTK幫助我們簡化Google Map API規劃的導航資訊與設定導航資訊對於使用者的重要度,並透過Tacton Toolkit將簡化的導航資訊內容以及配置的資訊轉換成Tacton,透過 Tacton播放將導航資訊呈現給使用者,讓使用者分辨tacton參數來獲取他所需求的導航資訊。最後的實驗證實,我們行人導航系統可以在行人情境下有效的通知使用者導航資訊變化,讓使用者不需要花費任何視覺以及聽覺注意力來獲取資訊內容,參考導航資訊來行走到他們當初所設定的目的地。 在未來展望中,我們希望藉由行動週遭環境展現來實做其他行動服務系統,滿足使用者與系統互動情境的需求。


There has been increased interest in navigational services for pedestrians in recent years. It is necessary to understand the information requirements of users and examine the information for how it is presented accordingly when they interact with navigation systems in pedestrian situation. When interacting with existing navigation services, the visual display is often inappropriate. There are significant problems associated with user attention and cognitive load, when using a mobile device in pedestrian situations while user should pay attention to peripheral information which they are interested or care about, rather than the small mobile screen. In this paper beginning, we use ambient display to present pedestrian navigation information. We studied the user experience of interacting with navigation services in pedestrian situation. We chose tactile interface as a calm feedback to present abstract navigation information. Two experiments were designed to investigate whether using tactile display to preset navigation information is sufficient and appropriate in pedestrian situation. In the first experiment, we used two tactile parameters to construct the abstract navigation information of the existing navigation services. In the second experiment, we verified that the abstract navigation information could guide the users to their desired target location via continuous tactile feedback. The result of those experiments showed that Tactons could be a successful means of communicating navigation information in user interfaces in pedestrian situations. Finally, we use Google Map API, PTK, and Tacton Toolkit to make our pedestrian navigation system. We use Google Map API to make destination input interface and path planning. We apply PTK to abstract navigation information and set information importance. We implement Tacton Toolkit and use Tacton Toolkit to help us transforms abstracted navigation information and information importance into Tacton. We present tacton to the user by the mobile device. When our system is presenting navigation information, User has to distinguish the tacton parameter to gain the navigation information. The final experiment confirmed that our pedestrian navigation system have ability to guide user to the destination easily. In the future work, we will use mobile ambient display to implement the other mobile applications to meet user requirements.


Pedestrian Situation Ambient Display Tacton


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