  • 學位論文


The Affective Feeling of Colored English Typeface

指導教授 : 李文淵


在一般情況下,字型使用者透過字型的名稱認識字型,但是對設計而言,字型給人的感覺才是設計師應該注重的議題。因此,本研究進行了3個心理物理學實驗來瞭解字型與色彩對情感感受的影響。 實驗一利用10組情感量尺調查47種黑色字型的情感感受。所得結果,發現這些情感量尺可以歸納為2個主要情感因素:一個與“躍動感”、“複雜感”及“奢華感”有關,稱之為外觀因素;而另一個則與“友善感”、“喜好感”及“美感”有關,稱之為評價因素。利用此2個主要情感因素所構成的情感空間,有助於瞭解字型與情感感受的關係,並能將這47種字型依其情感特性分為4大類。 實驗二基於實驗一的基礎,從4類字型中挑選出6個代表字型,搭配10個基本色以及黃綠色和青色共12個色彩,利用10組情感量尺調查字型色彩組合對情感感受的影響。結果發現(1)“溫度感”、“友善感”、“柔軟感”以及“重量感”主要受色彩影響;(2)“複雜感”、“隨興感”、“美感”及“喜好感”主要受字型影響;(3)“躍動感”和“奢華感”則同時受到字型和色彩的影響。以這些色彩與字型對情感感受的關係為基礎,發展出一系列之情感模型,所得結果利用實驗三之實驗數據驗證,發現情感模型可成功地預測這類品牌商標字型的情感感受。


設計 情感 色彩 字型


In general, users recognize fonts by their name, but the most important thing in design is the feeling that arises from the fonts. Thus, 3 experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of typefaces and colors to our affective feeling in this study. In Experiment 1, 10 emotion scales were used to invesgate the affective feeling of 47 black fonts. The result showed these 47 fonts could categorize into 2 factors: appearance factor and evaluation factor. Further more, an affective space was consisted by these 2 factors, and these 47 fonts could be categorized into 4 groups by their emotion specification in this two-dimensional affective space. Experiment 2 carried out on the ground of Experiment 1, 6 representative fonts were choosen from the 4 groups, and each consisted of 12 colors. This resulted in 72 font-color conbinations. Eeah font-color combination was assessed by using 10 affective scales. The results showed that: (1) the feelings of ‘heat’, ‘friendliness’, ‘softness’ and ‘weight’ were mainly evoked by color; (2) the feelings of ‘complex’, ‘casualness’, ‘aesthetic’ and ‘like’ were mainly evoked by font; (3) the feelings of ‘activity’ and ‘luxury’ were influenced by both font and color. A series of affective models were developed based on these relationships that mentioned above. Moreover, Experiment 3 was carried out to proof these emotion models. The result showed these affective models could predict feelings that envoked by the logotypes successfully.


design typeface affective feeling color font


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