  • 學位論文


A Study of Wiki Systematic framework on All-people-based Defence Education in High Schools, Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾章瑞


本研究針對高中職全民國防教育之推展,欲透過實務社群運作及情境學習理論概念,研議運用Wiki技術的集體協作共筆特性,建置一個知識交流、互動與共享的教學場域-全民國防維基百科(WikiDefenPedia),促進推展全民國防教育,並作為其他全民國防教育相關實務社群之起軔。本研究結論: (1)運用Wiki技術建構WikiDefenPedia虛擬的情境學習場域,形成互動式的全民國防動態知識庫,促進全民國防教育的推展應用。 (2)透過WikiDefenPedia-Edu-High school的架設,可促進教學實務社群的運作與聚焦,提供教官群獲取全民國防的領域專業知識、交流分享教學經驗的場域,亦即「教」及「學」雙重角色需求的互動交流環境,支持高中職教官順利遂行全民國防教育職能。 (3)全民國防高中職維基百科傴是推展的貣點,且需與其他活動、資源配合,建議透過非官方及非營利的單位-民間相關協會或是委託學術研究執行,採取成立專案、基金會及外包等模式,俾利統合規劃、資源整合與永續發展。


The research want to promote the developing of All-People-based Defence Education by Community of Practice and situated learning theory. We suggest to set a space where people can interact, communicate, and share the knowledge to each other by Wiki system. We call it ―WikiDefenPedia‖ in this research. we think that WikiDefenPedia is the starting activity to arrive the goal of this research. There are three conclusions: (1)Using the Wiki system to develop the virtual situated learning Space-WikiDefenPedia can form the flowing database of All-People-based Defence Education. (2)The WikiDefenPedia-Edu-High school can advance the operating and focusing of tech-learn Community of Practice. It can also provide the drillmasters a space to get what that need about All-People-based Defence Education, for example, professional knowledge, teaching experience and so on. Above summarizes, theWikiDefenPedia-Edu- High school can satisfy the needing of drillmasters’ two different roles-teacher and learner to impetus the All-People-based Defence Education in high school, Taiwan. (3)The WikiDefenPedia-Edu-High school is just the starting activity. iv It must combine with other activities and resources. We suggest that WikiDefenPedia can form the model of the project, foundation and outsourcing by non-government apparatus and non-profit unit that maybe folk associations or academic research to plan completely.


