  • 學位論文


A Study of Web-based Community Learning Method -A Case of All-out Defense Education in High Schools

指導教授 : 曾章瑞


網路科技興起後,傳統教學模式已普遍運用此項科技來輔助教學;網路學 習為較新穎的學習模式,其中包含運用工具搜尋及更新資料、並且能組織、運 用及分享知識,並能透過網路互動交流討論等,此均為傳統教育所無法媲美。 近年來,網路社群的概念運用與教學模式均已逐漸發展,目前知名的臉書 (Facebook)及 Youtube 等皆為運用社群概念,所呈現的網路社群應用平台;而 網路學習社群的運用結合傳統教學的集體式學習的核心概念接踵而起,其結合 社群工具的運用,更為教學及學習者接納與應用,並因社群平台的快速發展, 而不斷擴張其普遍性與多元性。本研究以高中職全民國防教育為例,探討青年 學生網路學習社群運用之呈現的學習本質。 本研究以學生自我效能的發展過程,做為網路社群學習的評析方式,從中 分析不同教學模式的差異,獲得研究結論如下: 1. 教學模式隨著時代科技發展已演變至網路社群學習模式,惟在應用網 路化的教學或學習模式過程中,仍需以兼含傳統教學與網路學習的優 點作為使用的核心。 2. 在學生有學習意願之情況下,學生融入網路社群來學習,可提升學生 學習自我效能,並且可讓教官有教學輔助的平台。 3. 全民國防教育網路社群之推動,可採用社群學習之方式來提升學生學 習效益,增加學習的管道。


iii Abstract Ever since internet technology bloomed, traditional teaching has gradually incorporated computer technology to assist teaching. Web-learning emerges as the latest learning module. Web-learning offers opportunity for learners to search and update information, organize, apply and share knowledge and interact with other learners through discussion, all of which distinguish itself from traditional education. In recent years, the application and teaching module of web community have been gradually developed. Facebook and Youtube, for example, are both application platforms based on the concept of web community. In addition, the concepts of web learning community have emerged and been integrated with the core concepts of collective learning from traditional education. Moreover, the popularity and diversity of web community learning have also been increasing. This research focuses on all-people-based defense in high schools and is to explore the essence of high school students web-learning. Web community learning is evaluated by the process of the students’ self-efficacy development, from which the differentiation of various teaching modules is analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: 1. As technology advances with time, teaching modules have also evolved to the era of web community learning modules. Nevertheless, the strengths of traditional teaching and web-learning should be incorporated together to serve as the advantages of the new learning module, which makes learning more effective. 2. With students having motivation to learn, their self-efficacy can be raised through the intervention of web community learning, which also serves as a teaching platform for the instructors. 3. The development of all-people-based defense web-learning community can enhance students’ learning and provide learners with more access to the learning.


[19]林東清(2003), 知識管理,智勝文化。


