  • 學位論文


Fabrication of Silicone Thin Films by Plasma Deposition for Transparent Optical and Barrier Coating Application

指導教授 : 陳克紹


有機材料應用於光電元件領域中近年來有快速的發展,例如有機發光二極體、有機薄膜電晶體和感測元件等。而塑膠基材因輕薄可撓曲等特性,常被研究以便取代玻璃基板。然而塑膠材對於阻隔水氣、氧氣及滲透氣體的能力有限,會促使光電元件生命週期衰退。本研究使用電漿聚合法以六甲基二矽胺烷(Hexamethyldisilazane, HMDSZ)於聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(Polyethylene Terephalate, PET)、玻璃以及矽晶片基材上沉積薄膜,研製具有透明光學性質的氣體阻隔層。改變電漿製程條件以及氧氣電漿後處理,探討薄膜的表面形貌、光學特性以及薄膜之氣體阻隔性對於基材之影響。結果得知,基材表面經由HMDSZ電漿沉積後,表面會聚合一層聚疏水特性之薄膜約為84°,而在經過氧氣電漿後處理薄膜表面呈現為超親水(<10°)。利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察薄膜表面形貌,以及原子力顯微鏡(AFM)觀察薄膜表面粗糙度。而從UV-VIS光譜儀(300 nm~800 nm)分析薄膜之穿透率,由結果得知在波長為550 nm,其穿透率會從84%提升為88%,而薄膜經過氧氣電漿處理後其穿透率位在提升至92%。HMDSZ電漿沉積之薄膜折射率約為1.48,再經過氧氣電漿後處理薄膜之折射率會下降。而PET機材經過HMDSZ電漿沉積薄膜後,其透濕性有明顯的改善,但薄膜表面經過氧氣電漿處理後,由於表面會被蝕刻及轟擊,因此其透濕性並不會下降。本研究可以得知,PET基材表面經過HMDSZ冷電漿處理後,表面會有良好的疏水性、透光性以及可以改善PET基材之透濕性,可由原本4.16 mg/m2day降低至1.17 mg/m2·day。


Silicone films have many attracting properties such as high stability, barrier capabilities, and good transmittance in the visible light, and can be used as a barrier coating for optical devices. In this work, cold plasma was first used to deposit silicone film on the substrate surface with hexamethyldislazane (HMDSZ) monomer, followed by oxygen plasma post treatment on the HMDSZ-deposited surface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the surface roughness of the specimen after each treatment, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the surface morphology. The water contact angle of the HMDSZ plasma modified surface is about 84, showing hydrophobic property. Subsequent oxygen plasma treatment on the HMDSZ plasma deposited surface reduces the water contact angle to less than 4 and exhibits super hydrophilic property. Coating HMDSZ film on glass surface can improve glass transmittance by UV-VIS (400 nm ~ 900 nm), at wavelength of 550 nm, the transmittance from 88% improves to 92%. The HMDSZ-deposited film after oxygen plasma treatment the transmittance increas to 95%. UV-VIS spectra showed that the optical transmittance on the HMDSZ plasma deposited film and oxygen-modified films is higher than that of films by HMDSZ modification only. When the times for HMDSZ plasma deposition were 5 to 30 minutes, the film thickness reaches 26nm to 180 nm, respectively. The refractive index of the HMDSZ-deposited films were VII measured to be 1.48, and after oxygen plasma treatment the refractive index of the films decrease to 1.45. The results showed that HMDSZ cold plasma deposition the film can improved the water vapor transmission rate.


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