  • 學位論文

陌生化意象研究 – 以產品設計為例

A Study on Defamiliarization―A Case Study of Product DesignTaiwan Traditional Wood-Sculpture

指導教授 : 李福源 羅致遠


一般而言,現今大眾對於產品或事物的訴求因多元媒體之刺激與影響,大多數的人只求快速及達到目的為主,對於仔細觀察與瞭解事物已經不再是人們重要的議題,為避免對於生活上產生惰性與創造更新奇的使用方式,由俄國形式主義家Viktor Shklovsky提出的陌生化概念在產品設計上似乎重新喚起了人們對於產品的認知及反思,進而獲得產品更深層的使用意義。 本研究藉由分析陌生化在各種藝術創作的呈現,探討其必要的要素,尋找市面上具有陌生化特色的設計,接著透過設計師的專家訪談了解陌生化的設計手法進一步擬定設計規範,最後進行實驗性的主題創作,以實際的產品反應陌生化的具體功能及意義。 於陌生話的設計研究中,實際的產品示範設計也透過問卷調查的方式驗證陌生化的設計的確能讓使用者產生更多的驚奇與新意。


In general, the present public demand for products or things stimulate and influence of multi-media, most people just quickly and achieve their goals mainly for careful observation and understanding of things is no longer the people important issue in order to avoidfor daily life use of inert and create fancier, proposed by Russian Formalism, Viktor Shklovsky, defamiliarization concept in product design seems to re-evokes a product awareness and reflection, and thus deeper product use. This study was presented in a variety of artistic creation by analyzing defamiliarization to explore the elements necessary to find the market with the strange characteristics of the design, and then through the expert interviews of the designers understand the design techniques of defamiliarization further development of design specifications, the final the theme of creation of the experimental, strange actual reaction of function and significance. Actual product demonstration design is also verified by means of questionnaire design study of the strange words, strange design indeed allows users to generate more surprises and new ideas.


Defamiliarization product design Formalism


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