  • 學位論文


A Study on Product Innovation of the Concept of Cloud Computing ─ A Case Study of DSLR Cameras

指導教授 : 林季雄


雲端運算技術在數位趨勢發展下已日漸成熟,而相機是人類史上偉大發明之一,在現今生活中扮演著極為重要的角色,因為時代技術的變遷,相機為了因應的人們的需求,亦有多次的設計革新,目前的數位單眼相機在這即將轉變的趨勢下對於雲端運算的技術應用就更顯格外重要,包含產品型態,操作介面甚至使用行為都可能改變。 本研究以文獻探討雲端技術的定義,利用定義中的基本特徵、服務模式和部署模式,在實驗第一階段得到的數位單眼相機使用者問題點和需求做切入,了解到在數位單眼相機中,雲端技術可能性的雲端功能,第二階段在將上述之雲端功能模擬供使用者操作評估並以單一T檢定評估滿意度調查,SUS評估易用性和易學性,且設計創新數位單眼相機外型供使用者評估,並利用重複量數分析,分群。 本研究結果明顯表示出數位單眼相機的使用者對於所衍生出的雲端功能的滿意度調查都具顯著性,且皆為正向,對於數位單眼相機的雲端功能受使用者認可,而在三個創新設計案中,使用者喜好設計案一居多,其設計特點除創新簡潔的外型外,操作介面是利用實體與觸控按鍵交互配合的,使用者在使用數位單眼相機的過程中有部分需要實體案件的回饋和觸控介面的直覺操作。 在未來結合雲端技術的數位單眼相機研究中,可針對各大廠牌介面導入雲端功能操作分別作探討比較,包含實體按鍵與觸控介面的相互交叉配合應用,即對雲端技術運用於單眼數位相機中的探討更具貢獻。


Cloud computing is a technology that used in data processing maturing day by day. Camera is one of the greatest inventions of humanity history which plays an important role in our daily life and has been innovated several times for responding to people’s requirements with the changing of times. Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera (DSLR Camera) is seems to be important at application of cloud computing nowadays, which includes product types, user interfaces, and user experiences. Through literature review, the study recognizes the basic characteristic, service model, and deployment model. In the first stage of experiment, the research discovered the possible cloud computing functions of DLSR camera by studying from user’s need. And then the study simulated these possible functions to let subjects conduct user experience comment in the second stage. The comments were analyzed by single T-test for user satisfactions, SUS for accessibility and learnability, and repeated measure ANOVA for DLSR camera form user evaluation. The result shows the satisfactions of subjects appear significant positive tendency which means they approve the cloud computing functions used on DSLR camera. In the three innovation design cases, most subjects prefer the first case which has concise appearance and an operating interface using a cross-matching of physical and virtual buttons because of the user’s need of feedback of physical button and intuitive operation of virtual button. The future research about cloud computing for DSLR camera can focus on the comparison of cloud computing operating interface of major brands and the coordination of physical and virtual buttons.


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