  • 學位論文


The Design Image and the Attractive Feature of Mobile Mouse

指導教授 : 曹永慶


本研究之目的在探討攜帶式滑鼠之設計意象,與具攜帶式滑鼠設計意象之魅力因子。內容包含四大部分:(1)透過文獻探討了解滑鼠之歷史與攜帶之設計需求,及KIS(Kano, IPA, SWOT)研究方法。(2)實施市售攜帶式滑鼠樣品之攜帶性意象測試,並以主成分分析法萃取攜帶性意象之構成因子。(3)針對攜帶式滑鼠之可能設計特徵實施KIS分析,萃取攜帶式滑鼠之主要魅力因子。(4)比較攜帶式滑鼠之攜帶性意象構成因子與魅力因子以歸納具攜帶性意象之攜帶式滑鼠魅力因子。 攜帶式滑鼠之攜帶性意象構成因子為:(1)強調整體攜帶性之「庸俗的–創新的」因子。(2)使用上之「複雜的–簡潔的」因子。 攜帶式滑鼠之三魅力因子為:(1)「可變形,使用時為符合手之大小,攜帶時可變形把體積縮小」。(2)「無接收器的藍芽無線傳輸」。(3)「可用USB充電﹙無線﹚」。其中之「無接收器的藍芽無線傳輸」與「可用USB充電﹙無線﹚」為具備攜帶性意象之魅力因子。換言之,在攜帶式滑鼠產品設計上增加此兩種特徵,應更可增加滑鼠之攜帶性意象。


意象 攜帶式滑鼠 KIS


The purpose of this research is to investigate the design image of mobile mouse, and the attractive feature with the image of mobile mouse. The contents with 4 parts included: (1) To understand the history of mouse, the need of mobile design, and the KIS (Kano, IPA, SWOT) methodology by literature review. (2) To perform the mobility image test on mobile mouse samples, then extract the constitutive factor of mobility image via the principal component analysis. (3) To perform the KIS analysis on the possible design features of mobile mouse. To extract the ruling attractive feature of mobile mouse then. (4) To get the attractive feature with mobility image for mobile mouse by analyzing and comparing the constitutive factor in mobility image of mobile mouse and the attractive feature. The constitutive factors of mobility image of mobile mouse are: (1) the factor for portability – “Vulgar - Innovative”. (2) The factor for usability- “Complex – Simple”. The three indentified attractive features of mobile mouse are: (1) “Transformable, could fit in the hand size while using, could re-size as smaller while carrying”. (2) “Bluetooth transmission without receiver”. (3) “Availability of USB charging (wireless)”. The “Bluetooth transmission without receiver” and “Availability of USB charging (wireless)” are the attractive features with mobile image. In other words, it could be foreseen that the mobility image would be much clear by adding these two features in mobile mouse design.


Image Mobile Mouse KIS


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