  • 學位論文


The shift and sublimation of the state of mind- the creative elaboration by Jung-Bing Huang

指導教授 : 曾俊義


筆者以自己生命的歷程為述說研究出發點,論述著在這塊土地生活變化的際遇及人生的點滴紀錄,其內涵包含著大地變遷、生命圖碼、心戀鄉情、虛擬與心靈之間。 以透過心境潛行之表現, 對於生命的體悟,及自然人文關懷來作為創作探究,並詮釋著對生活情事紀錄,把內在的思想和感觸,從轉變為文字記號,透過技法的表現,將藝術上的線﹑形、色聯串成一體。 創作上運用立體派的直線式、弧線式、稜角或方形式、色塊式、物象重疊式、律動式分割、拼貼等技法來作為創作平面及立體作品的表現,延伸至幾何抽象,以消除事物的殊相,擺脫形象的桎梏,用最根本形境來呈現靈性感覺。 以簡潔的表達方式來達到新的構成,把物象解體成最單純的造形—線、形、色之幾何圖式,再組合成整體完形,藉以傳達筆者的心靈意涵。 對於相關各派的技法及表現,除了吸取並融合分析,轉化成自已的想法,並運用在藝術創作,重新呈現人生寫照及詮釋。 藝術內涵表現,是生活經驗的陳述及回憶,以抽象創作形式,是筆者所追求的方向,在面對物象,自我觀照,以直覺的簡化,將意識延伸至創作上,並紀錄著生命的樂章。


The shift and sublimation of the state of mind- the creative elaboration by Jung-Bing Huang Graduate:Jung-Bing Huang Adviser:Chun-Yi Tseng Graduate Program in Fine Arts, Tainan University of Technology ABSTRACT Starting off with the author’s journey of life, the research describes changes in life in this land and memories, including landscape changes, life symbols, nostalgia and virtuality, spirituality and in-betweens. Through the shift and sublimation of the state of mind, the feeling of life and solicitude for humanity and nature, the author explored artistic creation and interpreted chronicles of life, turned thoughts and feelings deep inside into words and symbols, and connected artistic lines, shapes and colors using drawing techniques. With cubist techniques, including lines, arcs, edges and corners, squares, color blocks, overlapping fragments, rhythmic breaks and mosaics, The author created two- or three- dimensional works that developed into geometric abstraction to eliminate the appearances of objects, throw off the shackles of vivid images and use the most basic shapes to express spiritual feelings. The author used the simplest way to present the new structure and broke the object into the simplest geometries, i.e. lines, shapes and color blocks, and then reassembled them to express his spiritual feelings. The author also learned techniques from the associated artistic styles and applied them in his own way to artistic creation and present a new portrayal and interpretation of life. Expression of artistic connotation tells and reflects life experience of the author. Abstract styles of paintings are the goal of the author. Facing objects, the author applied self-consciousness to his artworks, with self-examination and instinctive simplification, and recorded a symphony of life.


