  • 學位論文


Blossom & Fantasy The Discourse of Painting Creation by Su-Lan Huang

指導教授 : 唐榮曉


花情.幻境-黃素蘭繪畫創作論述 研究生:黃素蘭 指導教授:唐榮曉 台南應用科技大學美術系碩士班 摘 要 「花情.幻境」是以日常生活中個人最喜愛、最廣泛接觸的花花世界作為 創作描繪的主題,在材料上以油彩及壓克力彩作為主要的創作媒材,所衍生出 來的繪畫創作論述。 藉花卉優美的形態、豐富的色彩變化、充滿韻律感的線條,以及有如音樂 音符般跳躍的點的節奏等等美感因素,結合虛幻的主觀構成,以及心靈與精神 意境氛圍的營造層面的幻影夢境,呈現內心的情感世界尋找活潑的生命力脈動 與生活中的喜悅與活力。 茲將創作論述分為五個章節 第一章節:緒論包括創作研究動機、研究目的、方法與步驟、以及名詞釋義與 研究範圍。 第二章節:與創作相關的文獻探討,探索內在的情感、自覺,植物令人喜悅的 生命力以及如真似幻夢境的創作美感。 第三章節:創作實踐由實地觀察與拍攝、收集資料到創作寫生完成的紀錄。 第四章節:作品分析與詮釋,解析系列作品創作的想法與技巧、形式與內容等。 第五章節:結語介紹創作研究期間的整體成果與未來的期待。 關鍵字:花情、花花世界、幻境油畫創作


Blossom & Fantasy The Discourse of Painting Creation by Su-Lan Huang's Graduate Student: Su-Lan Huang Advisor: Jung-Hsiao Tang Graduate Program in Fine Arts Tainan University of Technology ABSTRACT ''Blossom'' and ''Fantasy'' are my favorite topics. We get access to these elements every day when passing by flowers, which inspired me. Oil and acrylic paints are the primary materials used here. This dissertation will focus on the creation of my artwork. By combing the elegance, vibrant colors, and rhythmic patterns of flowers the artwork displays a fantastic atmosphere. This represents deep emotion, youth, and vitality, in tandem with the joy and energy in the world. My dissertation is divided into five chapters:  Chapter one: Introduction. This includes research motivations, objectives, methods, terminology explanation, and the extent of research.  Chapter Two: Literature Review on the topic. This chapter will explore the emotions, consciousness and vitality of plants, which bring joy to humans. Also, how close the beauty of creation is to a wonderland will be illustrated.  Chapter Three: Creative Practice. From field observations, photography, data collection, to the creation of the artwork, this chapter records the processes.  Chapter Four: This chapter analyzed the thinking, techniques, forms, and content behind the creation of the artwork series.  Chapter Five: Conclusion. This chapter shows the overall results and my future work. Key words: Blossom, World of Flowers, Fantasy Oil Painting.


1. mcoo 色彩研究中心(2014)。綜合技法色彩型錄。臺北市:佳魅資訊。
2. 王震武、林文瑛、林烘煜、張郁雯、陳學志(2001)。心理學。臺北市:學富
3. 朱守谷(1999)。花之無盡浪漫。臺北市:時報文化。
