  • 學位論文


Research on Happiness of Elders through Participation of Art Activities

指導教授 : 黄建文


台灣於2018年已然步入高齡社會;預估於2025年將成為超高齡社會。人口結構快速老化,現今如何保持銀髮族在生理、心理、社會互動三方面的健康,進而能成功老化,就顯得格外重要。而生活滿意度與幸福感更是衡量成功老化的重要指標,尤其幸福感是身心健康的核心要素。 銀髮族適當的參與社會活動能使身心靈更趨向健康,其生活滿意度較高,幸福感相對提升。而其中療癒性的藝術活動更能使其提升自我認知、學習新的能力並增加快樂的感受,促進人際互動的機會,降低孤寂感,產生幸福感。鑒於目前社區或機構對老人大都著重於生活與照護、偏重生理問題及日常生活協助。身體機能的退化或許不可逆,但心靈卻可以藉由藝術創作過程來治癒,因此本研究茲以藝術活動的介入來探討銀髮族對幸福感的成效。 本研究以台南市某日照中心65歲以上老人為研究對象,探討藝術活動對其生活滿意度與幸福感的影響。實驗研究設計以四種不同媒材的藝術活動方案進行課程教學,包括和諧粉彩、曼陀羅、蝶古巴特、禪繞畫。實驗前、後填寫問卷,以「生活滿意度量表」、「中國人幸福感量表」為測量工具,並於實驗後填寫活動學習單以及輔以半結構質性訪談,受測者共22人。 本研究經實驗統計結果顯示:一、參與藝術活動有助於銀髮族提升生活滿意度。二、參與藝術活動有助於銀髮族提升幸福感。三、藝術活動的多元性增加銀髮族學習興趣。另外在活動學習單及深度訪談的分析討論結果,銀髮族在此活動中均能產生正向情緒,對於幸福感的提升亦有極大的助益。建議日後研究可擴大方案實施社區與不同類型的機構型態、延長方案實施期間、增加志工協助,機構或社區能與專業配合,讓老人能參與更多元的活動,而更能促進身心靈都健康的幸福。


Taiwan has become an aging society in 2018, and it is estimated that Taiwan will become a super-aged society in 2025. With the rapid aging speed of the population structure, maintaining the health of the elders on their physical side, psychological side and their social interactions for them to successfully age has become an important issue. Life satisfaction and happiness are important indicators to measure the success of aging, especially happiness, which is the core element of physical and mental health. Participation in social activities can boost physical and mental health; therefore, it can then increase the life satisfaction and improve happiness of the elders. Healing art activities can make individuals enhance self-awareness, learn new skills and increase the sense of happiness. It can also create social interactions, reduce loneliness, and generate happiness. While physical body functions are irreversible, mental spirit can be healed in the process of art creation. In this study, we discuss the effect on happiness of elders with the help of art activities. Taking elders over sixty-five years old in a daily caring center in Tainan as research objects, we explore the effect on happiness of elders through the involvement of artistic activities. Study design involve four different lessons of artistic activities, each with one kind of art media, which is, Pastel Nagomi Art, Mandala, Decoupage and Zentangle. Questionnaires are used both in pre-test and post-test; “Life Satisfaction Scale” and “Chinese Happiness Scale” are used as the questionnaires; supplemented by a review form and a semi-structured qualitative interview after the experiment. A total number of twenty-two people are taken as subjects. The experimental results show that, first, participation in art activities helps the elders to improve life satisfaction. Second, participation in art activities helps the elders to improve their happiness. Third, the diversity of artistic activities increases the learning interest of the elders. Combining the analysis results above, the study shows that the elders can produce positive emotions in activities, which is a great help to the improvement of their happiness. We advise further study to be expanded. It can be implemented on social communities or different type of organizations, and the activity time can be extended. With the help of volunteers, organizations or social communities can cooperate with professionals, allowing elders to participate in various activities and improving their happiness on both physical and psychological side.


