  • 學位論文


The evolution of overall modeling among Taiwanese women: a glance from the cover of magazines in fashion

指導教授 : 邱廼懿 教授


現今社會裡,個人整體的形象已成為美化自身、襯托出氣質以及個性的作用。人們除了透過服裝來美化自己外,還利用髮型、化妝和服飾配件來裝扮自己,讓自己的容貌和外形,更趨完美。 研究目的為瞭解台灣女性整體造型之演變,針對台灣女性雜誌封面圖像進行整體造型元素類別細項分析。研究樣本為三種高銷售量和不同類型之流行雜誌,分別是台灣本土流行雜誌《薇薇》、歐美國際中文版雜誌《BAZAAR哈潑時尚》、以及日系國際中文版雜誌《Ray瑞麗美人》,共計612個封面圖像。 研究方法採用內容分析法,統計與分析流行雜誌封面女性圖像之服裝、髮型、彩妝和飾物配件等整體造型五大元素之年代演進,彙整出台灣本土流行雜誌、歐美國際中文版及日系國際中文版之流行趨勢。將前項結果交叉比對三類雜誌之封面圖像,進而找出台灣整體造型以及其受歐美和日系整體造型的演變風格影響之關聯異同。 綜合歸納出下列結論:其一,從八○年代至今,年代演變是影響每位女性的外型整體打扮的重要關鍵,流行風格的趨勢在每個年代大有不同;其二,流行雜誌封面圖像拍攝主要以上半身特寫為主要表現手法,因此在統計分析結果中,發現髮型與彩妝元素在三種雜誌裡最明顯有年代流行的演變波動。


In contemporary society, people make the integration image for the purposes of enhancing their beauty and setting off their individual characteristics. Besides, people dress themselves up by good dressing, hairstyle, makeup and accessories that can make them more attractive. The purpose of this study is to find out the evolution of overall modeling among Taiwanese female by analyzing the overall modeling elements from the cover images of Taiwan feminine magazines. The research samples are 612 cover images picked out from three popular magazines Taiwan fashion magazine " ViVi", Europe and America international magazine " BAZAAR" Chinese edition, and Japan international magazine " Ray" Chinese edition which are different in the fashion style. This study compared three types of cross-magazine cover image to find out the overall shape of Taiwan and its European and Japanese by the overall shape of the evolution of the style associated with the effects of similarities and differences,synthesize the following conclusions. The finding of this research can be divided into the following two aspects. First, the results show that time evolution is the most important key of affecting how people dress up from 1980s until now. The reason may be that each times with its unique fashion style. The second finding is that the hairstyle and makeup are the two most manifest elements which can represent the fashion trend changing with time. This may results from the photo taking style of fashion magazines mainly focused on the part of upper body.


