  • 學位論文


Using AHP to Identify Critical Factors Influencing High School Students’ University Selection

指導教授 : 許炳堃


近年來,因廣設大學及少子化影響,台灣高等教育面臨重大危機。私校工會理事長尤榮輝表示,少子化導致高教資源匱乏、衝擊高教品質,對占比7成的私立大專衝擊尤大,未來必然有大量私校退場,產生大量失業潮。高教工會組織部主任林柏儀也表示,本國籍新生人數減少,衝擊最嚴重的會是較沒有知名度的私立技術及專科學校。在供過於求,競爭激烈的高等教育市場中,爭取生源鞏固學校發展,已成為各校都需要全力以赴的工作。有鑑於此,本研究主要探討高中職學生選校之關鍵因素,並找出各因素的優先順序,以提供技專校院擬定有效吸引學生之招生策略,提升學生選讀的之意願。 本研究以南部某私立科技大學(以下簡稱個案學校)為例,分別以大一新生、大一新生家長、高中職教師及招生人員為受訪對象,先針對高中職學生選校的相關文獻進行探討,建構出「個人因素」、「學校聲望」、「招生宣傳」及「就業前景」四大構面及十六項評估準則之層級架構,並應用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process , AHP)進行問卷設計與分析,發送問卷共390份,實際回收有效問卷202份,經Excel軟體分析問卷結果,確認高中職學生選擇個案學校因素之權重順序。 研究發現,不分身分別受訪者四大構面之權重以「個人因素」最高,其他依序為「就業前景」、「學校聲望」與「招生宣傳」。而十六項評估準則權重最高之前六項依序為:「個人興趣與志向」、「畢業出路與就業機會」、「產學合作與企業實習」、「師資素質與專業」、「分數落點」、「學校位置與生活機能」,而權重最低的後六項則依序則為:「傳播媒體報導」、「招生活動與宣傳」、「獎助學金與工讀機會」、「保障住宿與學費優惠」、「校友發展與企業評價」、「重要他人的意見」。 除此之外,不同身分別受訪者對於所看重的選校因素也有所不同;學生與家長最重視「個人興趣與志向」;高中職教師傾向選擇「學校口碑與排名」;而招生人員則認為「畢業出路與就業機會」對學生選校最具吸引力。同時,研究顯示不同身分別受訪者一致認為「招生宣傳」對高中職學生選校的影響性最小。本研究結果將有助於提供技專校院作為招生策略與學校行銷時之參考,以期達到永續經營的目標。


There are more than 160 universities in Taiwan and the education market is suffering from oversupply. Universities try their best to recruit new students and different varieties of strategies are currently operating to the advantage of schools. As a supplier of education service, it is very important to understand what customers need and how to effectively satisfy their demands. Managerial arguments address one of the most fundamental yet elusive questions facing school administrators, namely, what influences students to choose a university? The main purpose of this study is to use Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify crucial factors affecting high school students’ university selection. A hierarchical structure was built, including four main factors, namely, personal factors, school factors, recruitment factors and employment factors, and corresponding sixteen determinants. The participants of the study are the freshmen, parents of freshmen, teachers of high schools and recruitment staff of universities. 202 effective AHP questionnaires are utilized to investigate the major determinants of students’ decisions. From the perspective of freshmen, personal factors have a huge amount of influence over their decisions. The priorities are as follows – personal factors, employment factors, school factors and then recruitment factors. Students’ viewpoint is very different from recruitment staff’s. In terms of sixteen determinants, freshmen regard personal interest and ambition as a major factor influencing their choices, followed by career and employment opportunity, and school location and life convenience. Media and news report has been shown to insignificantly influence how students make a decision on their university selection. School reputation and academic staff profession do not profoundly affect how students think about their strategies. Freshmen strongly disagree with recruitment staff over the priority of four determinants of school factors as well as recruitment factors. However, both parties reach an agreement on the priority of four determinants of employment factors. Finally, implications and future directions are discussed.


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