  • 學位論文


A Study on Status and Self - management of Tea Pesticide Residue in Large - scale Chain Beverage Stores

指導教授 : 曾國書


近年隨著食品安全事件屢屢發生,尤其是多起茶葉農藥殘留超標事件,使飲料業者意識到企業自主管理責任之重要。本研究以南部某縣市3家大型連鎖飲料店為對象,導入食品安全監測計畫指引概念,規劃自主管理措施,並於導入前後實施採樣,應用食品中殘留農藥檢驗方法-多重殘留分析方法(五)及殺菌劑二硫代胺基甲酸鹽類之檢驗法(二)進行紅茶、綠茶、青茶及烏龍茶農藥檢驗,探討各連鎖公司自主管理成效與管理模式之優劣。研究發現:A、B、C 三家公司自主管理措施與執行模式雖有不同,導入後農藥殘留項次皆明顯減少, A、B 兩公司自主管理成效較佳且相近,A公司由導入前檢出農藥殘留項目26項次,導入後檢出減少24項次,降低達92.31%;B公司由導入前檢出農藥殘留項目24項次,導入後檢出減少21項次,降低87.31%;而C公司由導入前檢出農藥殘留項目27項次,導入後檢出16次,減少11項次,降低了40.74%。而若以茶種來看,導入前後三家公司合計皆以青茶的農藥總殘留項次最多,紅茶最少。結果同時顯示,有專業背景人員教導農民正確使用農藥、採限用農藥項目補助費用、逐批檢驗、增加檢驗頻率及產品檢驗報告公開供消費者查詢等做法,為明顯提高自主管理成效之管理模式,本研究結果並可作為其他連鎖茶飲店執行自主管理之參考。


The prevalence of food scandals has increased in recent years. Scandals involving pesticide residue in tea leaves that exceed regulations are particularly frequent, thus highlighting the importance of autonomous management and responsibilities for beverage vendors. Three large beverage franchises in a county in Southern Taiwan were employed as subjects in the present study. A food safety supervision program was introduced to offer guidance and elucidate relevant concepts, thereby facilitating the subjects in conducting autonomous management. Samples were taken before and after the introduction of the program. Two methods of testing pesticide, namely Multiresidue analysis, and a dithiocarbamate test, were conducted on black tea, green tea, qingcha (dark green tea), and oolong tea to determine the performance of the franchises’ autonomous management and management models. The results indicated that although companies A, B, and C adopted different measures and models when implementing autonomous management, all three subjects exhibited a significant reduction in pesticide residue following the introduction of the food safety supervision program. Companies A and B showed superior and similar performances in autonomous management. Prior to program intervention, 26 types of pesticide residue were found in company A’s products, 24 of which were eliminated following program intervention, which translates to a reduction rate of 92.31%. Twenty-four types of pesticide residue were found in company B’s products, 21 of which were eliminated following program intervention, which translates to a reduction rate of 87.31%. Twenty-seven types of pesticide residue were found in company C’s products, 16 of which were eliminated following program intervention, which translates to a reduction rate of 40.74%. When considering the type of tea, qingcha contained the most types of pesticide residue for all three companies, whereas black tea contained the least types of pesticide residue. The results of the present study also indicate that having professionals teach farmers to use pesticides correctly, offering subsidies to farmers who limit pesticide use, conducting inspections for every batch of tea leaves, increasing inspection frequency, and releasing product inspection reports to consumers are management models that contribute to a significant elevation in the performance of autonomous management. The results of the present study can serve as a reference for other beverage franchises in implementing autonomous management.


六大茶文化起源地 你知道幾個(2016年9月20日)。壹讀。取自https://read01.com/0E7DzE.html
日本農林水產省(2013)。平成23年度國產品農藥使用及殘留情況調查結果。取自http ://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/syouan/nouyaku/1 30621.html
