  • 學位論文


Separation and Reuse from Automotive Shredder Residue

指導教授 : 張益國


廢機動車輛粉碎殘餘物(ASR)組成複雜,分選處理困難,目前多以焚化處理。面對焚化處理成本增加及環境展望,應思考將ASR予以回收再利用。由於ASR中組成分密度差異大,本研究先以浮選方式分離輕質塑膠,如 PE、PP、PU等。再以水力漩流(hydrocyclone)分離技術為基礎,將差異大(比重)之物質分離選別,分成重塑料, PVC、礦物(玻璃、土砂)、金屬等三股物質流。隨後更以流場電腦模擬FLUENT-計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)技術,輔助操作條件與增進效能。 經分選物質,玻璃、土砂經確認環境友善性後再利用;而輕質塑膠、重質塑料、玻璃、土砂等可製成戶外型再生板、磚,並驗證其功能性、環境友善性特性。如此,解決國內ASR焚燒問題,降低環境負荷,創造綠色經濟。達成環保永續使命。 關鍵詞:廢機動車輛粉碎殘餘物、水力漩流分離、再利用


Complicated as the composition of the Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR) is, the ASR is hard to be separated. Therefore, at present, incineration is the method generally adopted to deal with the ASR. Considering the ascension of the incinerating cost as well as the environmental outlook, human beings should take the ASR recycling and reuse into consideration. In the light of the great difference in between its own composition of the ASR, the present study firstly separates the light plastic by the flotation process, such as polyurethane (PU), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP). Afterward, sorting the substances which of bigger differences by using the hydrocyclone separation technique, the present research classified them into three material flows, polyvinylchloride (PVC), minerals alike glasses and stones, metals. Subsequently, the present study uses the flow computer to imitate the FLUENT-Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique, assisting operating options and enhancing efficacy. After the substances sorting, glasses, as well as stones, are reused after confirming the eco-friendliness, and subjects such as the light-mass plastics, heavy-mass plastics, glasses, stones can be made to outdoor regenerative boards or bricks. Further, their capability and characteristics of eco-friendliness should be verified. Hence, the domestic problem of the ASR incineration can be solved, the environmental load will be reduced, and then indirectly achieve the goal of environmental sustainability as well as the creation of the green economy. Keyword: Automotive shredder residue (ASR), hydrocyclone separation, reuse


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