  • 學位論文


Exploring the Grief Experience of Nursing Staff

指導教授 : 靖永潔


本研究探討護理人員之喪親悲傷經驗-以雙親為例,目的為探討護理人員經歷喪親後,所面對的失落與悲傷之經驗。本研究採用敘事學研究法,運用半結構式訪談大綱,以滾雪球進行收案模式,收案條件為滿20歲以上且喪親滿兩年以上的6位臨床護理人員進行訪談,並依據Lincoln和Guba提出的質性研究的信效度為評定標準,及依照Riessman之敘事資料分析步驟方式進行,訪談資料收集至達到飽和為止。 本研究結果呈現四大主題及十二個次主題:主題一、依附關係:(1)關係密切;(2)頓失依附。主題二、悲傷感受:(1)自責與愧疚;(2)憂鬱與無助;(3)崩潰與哭泣。主題三、悲傷影響:(1)悲傷加劇與挫敗;(2)同儕支持薄弱;(3)經濟或精神支柱頓失;(4)埋頭工作;(5)走不出的傷痛。主題四、感悟人生;(1) 工作與經濟的調適;(2)適應喪親後的生活。綜合本研究結果得知,護理人員喪親後的生、心理狀態,以及所表現出的悲傷反應,跟病患家屬會經歷的的喪親之痛並無差異,不能因為是護理人員的專業角色,而忽略了悲傷路途陪伴、支持關懷著度過人生中低潮期階段的需求。因此,建議在護理學校教育方面,規劃相關之生死學教育課程;於醫院機構方面,設立求助專線及提供護理人員生死教育學習之在職教育和其他喪親經歷者談論逝者、表達悲傷情緒的安全場域。


The objective of this study was to explore the experience of loss and grief faced by nursing staff after bereavement. In this research based on narrative study design and semi-structured interview in which snowball sampling was used as the research method. In total of six clinical nurses who were over 20-year-old and had lost parent for more than two years were interviewed. According to Lincoln and Guba’s evaluating standard which were used as the reliability and validity of this qualitative study, where Riessman’s narrative data analysis approach was applied. The interview data were collected until satisfactorily saturated. The results of this study showed four major themes and twelve sub-themes. Theme 1 focused on parental attachment: (1) close attachment (2) sudden loss of attachment. Theme 2 involves sorrowful feelings: (1) self-blame and guilt; (2) melancholy and helplessness; (3) collapse and cry. Theme 3 includes: impact of grief: (1) aggravation of grief and frustration; (2) weak peer support; (3) sudden loss of economic support; (4) burial of self in hard work; (5) inability to walk out of pain. Theme 4 talks about enlightenment about life: (1) adjustment in work and finance; (2) adjustment of life after bereavement. According to the results of this study, there is no difference between the life and mental state of the nursing staff and other patient or families after their bereavement. However, it is not to say that the need of companionship and support of nursing staff during the sad stage of life can be ignored because of their professional role in medical service. Therefore, it is suggested to plan relevant life and death courses in nursing school education. As for in hospitals and institutions, special hotlines for help, in-service education courses regarding to life and death issues, and a safe haven with ability to share their sadness with others shall be set up for these professional caregivers.


Nursing staff Bereavement Experience Narrative study


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