  • 學位論文


The Study of Correlation Among Internal&External Control Personality Traits‚Burnout and Willingness of Stay for Anesthesia Nurse

指導教授 : 龔建吉


本研究旨在探討麻醉護理師內外控人格特質、職業倦怠與留職意願之相關性,研究工具為參考國內外具有信效度之量表修訂,且經五位專家進行內容效度修正後自編而成的「麻醉護理師內外控人格特質、職業倦怠與留職意願問卷」,研究樣本採便利抽樣,針對中彰投6家地區級以上之醫院發放問卷,資料回收後進行篩選,資料不完整一律不採用,進行統計分析方法包括:敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析,並將研究結果提供醫院管理階層,進而提供更完善之醫療環境,以減輕職業倦怠感進而提高整體工作滿意度及留職意願。 根據相關文獻研究,僅選擇內外控人格特質、職業倦怠作為研究變項,分析對留職意願之影響,茲將研究結果歸納為以下結論: 內外控人格特質對留職傾向具有顯著影響,趨向內控人格特質者其職業倦怠程度會愈低,留職意願程度也會愈高,已婚者人格特質為高內控(自律)居多,留職意願高於未婚者;醫學中心麻醉護理師的職業倦怠程度也高於地區醫院。


The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation among internal and external control personality traits of anesthesia nurse, burnout and willingness to stay. The research tool is based on the revision of the domestic and international scales with reliability and validity. And, after correcting the content validity by five experts, Self-edited "Questionnaire on Personality Traits, Job Burnout and Willingness to Stay in Anesthesia Nurses" was completed; Questionnaires were issued with convenient sampling to 6 hospitals at or above the district level in the center Taiwan. After the questionnaires were collected, the data were screened. The incomplete data will not be used. The methods of statistical analysis include: descriptive statistics, independent sample t test and single factor variance analysis, Pearson product correlation analysis. The research results will be provided to the hospital management level, and then provide a more well-managed working environment to reduce job burnout and improve overall job satisfaction and willingness to stay. According to relevant literature reviews, only the internal and external personality traits and job burnout are selected as research variables to analyze the impact on the willingness to stay, and the research results are summarized as follows: (1)Personality traits of internal and external control have a significant impact on the tendency to stay in the job. (2) Anesthesia nurses who tend to internal control personality traits will have a lower degree of job burnout. (3)married anesthesia nurses are mostly high internal control (self-discipline) and the willingness to stay is higher than unmarried. (4)The burnout of a anesthesia nurse in medical centers is also higher than that of regional hospitals.


