  • 學位論文


The study of self-directed learning and its related factors among nursing students

指導教授 : 胡月娟


摘要 量性部分為橫斷式相關性設計,並佐以質性訪談,以做研究結果的交叉驗證,採取量性與質性之研究設計,為了解護生自我導向學習情形,及其影響因素。採立意取樣方式,以中部某一所五專部護理科五下完成全年實習及一年級護生為研究對象,以游竹薇(2010)翻譯的國外量表「護生自我導向學習傾向量表」,進行資料收集,共發出850份問卷,實得有效問卷828份。以次數分配、百分率、平均數、標準差、t-檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、Scheffe事後比較分析及Pearson相關分析等方式進行統計分析。研究結果發現,護生自我導向學習的情形為中上程度,以女性、五年級、有護理工作經驗(實習經驗),與對護理專業認同者,其自我導向學習的能力較佳。自我管理、學習慾望與自我控制皆達統計上顯著的正相關。此外,訪談已結束全年實習及一年級護生各20位,經由內容分析,發現五年級、有實習經驗且對護理專業認同的護生其自我導向學習的能力優於一年級護生,證實量性研究的結果與發現。研究結果建議實習課程宜盡早安排,藉以促進護生自我導向學習的能力。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of self-directed learning in nursing students and explores how background factors affect it. This study use quantitative analyses of cross-sectional design and qualitative interviews to double check the results. The design of this study is based on purposive sampling. A foreign questionnaire of Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale(SDLRS)is translated into Chinese scale by Chu-Wei Yu(2010). The research objects are students from two institutes which are one from the 5th year junior college students and the other from the 1st year nursing students in central Taiwan. A total of 850 questionnaires were distributed and there are 828 valid questionnaires finally. Data analyses include frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test One-Way ANOVA, Scheffe’s multiple comparison and Pearson’s correlation analysis. The results indicated that the event of self-directed learning was middle level. Better results of self-directed learning were found in students who were female, 5-year junior college, had nursing experience or internship experience, and had recognition of nursing specialty. Otherwise, the relationships between self-management, desire of learning and self-control all have statistically significant positive correlation. This study may provide better nursing education curriculum in the future, and upgrade the ability of self-direct learning of nursing students. In addition,the interviews with 20 5th year junior college students and 20 1st year nursing students were also performed successfully.Through analysis and comparison, the ability of self-directed learning is better in students who were 5th year junior college, had internship experience, and had recognition of nursing specialty than in 1st year nursing students. Thus, The results of interview also prove the results of above quantitative analyses. This study suggests that we need to arrange the internship lessons earlier to improve the ability of self-directed learning in nursing students.


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