  • 學位論文


The Study of Applying E-Learning Platform to Aboriginal Languages Learning among the Aboriginal Students of Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taichung City

指導教授 : 黃寶園


摘 要 本研究旨在探討台中市國民中小學原住民學生運用線上平台學習族語之現況。本研究採用問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「台中市國民中小學原住民學生運用線上學習平台學習族語問卷」為工具;隨後採立意抽樣的方式從台中市國民中小學教師及原住民學生中進行樣本的抽選,最後獲得教師的有效樣本152份;學生部份237份。所得的結論如下: 一、 台中市國民中小學運用線上學習平台學習族語之實施現況,發現國民中小學大都有原住民學生,但申請族語班的國中只佔20﹪、國小只佔33﹪。利用正式課程上族語課者只占25﹪,用線上學習平台者只占20﹪。加分優待的權益對學生及家長是很重要。未使用線上學習平台的原因為未申請族語班、時間不足、場地設備借用不易、資訊能力不足等。最常使用的部分是詞句朗誦及聽力訓練,最需改進為發音及語調、並列入書寫系統的教材。 二、 在線上學習平台之科技接受度教師為中等程度,其中以「使用意願」最佳,「平台功能」最低;學生為中上程度,其中以「教材教法」最佳,「場所設備」最低。 三、 教師因年齡、上課節數的不同而在科技接受度上有顯著差異;學生因性別、族別、學校地區、上課節數的不同在科技接受度上有顯著差異。 四、 在知覺平台協助性的認同方面教師為中上程度,其中以「文化族群認同」最佳,「基本能力」最低;學生方面為中上程度,其中以「文化族群認同」最佳,「基本能力」最低。 五、 教師因年齡、族語能力的不同而在知覺平台的協助性上有顯著差異;學生因族別、族語能力、學習時間長短的不同而在知覺平台的協助性上有顯著差異。 六、 教師之整體科技接受度與知覺平台的協助性無顯著相關;學生科技接受度與知覺平台的協助性在整體及各層面均呈現正相關 關鍵詞:原住民族語、線上學習平台


Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the present situation which the students and teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taichung City applied E-learning platform to aboriginal languages learning. This study adopted questionnaire survey. The investigator designed a self-made “ Questionnaire of Aboriginal Students in Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taichung City Applying E-learning Platform to Aboriginal Languages Learning ” to compile data. Subjects of this study were purposive sampling from teachers and aboriginal students in elementary and junior high schools in Taichung City. The data obtained from 152 effective questionnaires of the teachers and 237 of the students was analyzed and the conclusions were drawn as follows: 1. There were aboriginal students in both elementary and junior high schools. Only 20% of the aboriginal students from the junior high schools and 33% from the elementary schools applied for studying in aboriginal languages learning class. Only 25% of the students learned aboriginal languages in formal courses and 20% used in E-learning platform. It was very essential for both the students and the parents to get preferential treatment of bonus scores. The reasons of failing to use E-learning platform were no applying for studying in aboriginal languages learning classes, insufficient time, lack of information proficiency and difficulties in borrowing locations and facilities. The most frequently using parts were words reciting and listening training. Pronunciation, intonation and a demand listed on writing system should to be improved. 2. Teachers’ technology acceptance in E-learning platform reached average, and among all, the “willing to use” had the best performance. The “function of platform” had the least performance. Students’ technology acceptance in E-learning platform reached average, and among all, the “teaching methods” had the best performance. The “location and facility” had the least performance.. 3. Significant difference existed in teachers’ technology acceptance in terms of the teachers’ demographic variables such as ages and service years. Significant difference existed in the students’ technology acceptance in terms of students’ demographic variables such as genders, tribal groups, locations of the schools and learning years. 4. Teacher’s awareness platform assistance reached above average, and among all, the “identification of tribal groups” had the best performance. The “basic capability” had the least performance. Students’ awareness platform assistance reached above average, and among all, the “identification of tribal groups” had the best performance. The “basic capability” had the least performance. 5. There was significant difference in teachers’ awareness platform assistance according to ages, ability of aboriginal languages. There was significant difference in students’ awareness platform assistance according to tribal groups, ability of aboriginal languages and learning years. 6. There was no significant difference between teachers’ technology acceptance and awareness platform assistance. There was a positive correlation between students’ technology acceptance and awareness platform assistance. Keywords:Aboriginal languages, E- learning platform


周士雄(2008)。 國中小教師應用互動式電子白板教學之創新接受度與科
