  • 學位論文


Effect of Shift Mode on Occupational Burnout in Nurses

指導教授 : 洪錦墩


輪班是護理職業上常見的工作型態,醫療機構因其照護服務的特性,必須提供全天候照護服務,因此有相當高的比率之護理人員必須輪班工作。輪班造成日夜節律混亂、睡眠障礙,影響生理、心理及家庭生活,身體上也會產生不適、負面的情緒反應。在醫療照護中,護理人員職場疲勞狀態對受照護的病人影響最直接,故本研究以輪班護理人員為研究對象,針對輪班模式對護理人員職場疲勞造成的影響做進一步探討。 本研究以中臺灣海線地區某醫療體系所屬之綜合醫院參與輪班護理人員進行自填式問卷調查,以瞭解護理人員輪班現況、基本資料變項及工作特質對職場疲勞之影響,研究樣本數總計153名,研究工具包括中文版「職場疲勞量表」及「工作特質量表」,資料分析方法包括描述性統計、one way ANOVA、多元迴歸分析等。 研究結果發現,男性、年齡31歲以上、服務於急診、每週工時51-60小時、換班週期5-7天、輪值夜班的護理人員,其疲勞得分相較其他組別者明顯較高;在工作特質部份,高「工作心理負荷」、低「就業缺乏保障」、低「社會支持」、低「職場正義」及低「勞工參與」,其職場疲勞得分明顯較高。 依據研究結果建議:換班週期應避免過短;夜班護理宜善用護理輔助人力;繼續教育部份除了專業能力的加強外,可適時的加入心靈輔導課程,讓護理人員能以更正面的態度面對日常生活。


Shift is a common type of work in the nursing care. Medical institutions must provide full day care services, so a relatively high ratio of nursing staff must work in shifts. Shift causes sleep disorder and affects circadian rhythm, and family life, and induces physical discomfort, negative emotional reactions. In medical care, the nursing staff's occupational burnout has the most direct impact on their caring patients. Therefore, this study chooses the shift nurses as the research object and further evaluate the impact of the shift mode on the nursing staff's occupational burnout. In this study, a comprehensive questionnaire to medical hospitals in the coastal area of middle Taiwan was used to conduct a self-administered survey in order to understand the impact of nursing staff’s basic data, work characteristics, shift status on occupational burnout. The total number of research samples was 153. The research tools include the Chinese version of the "Occupational burnout inventory" and the " Job Content Questionnaire ". The data analysis methods include descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that males, those aged over 31 years, who served in the emergency department, 51-60 hours of work per week, 5-7 days of shift cycle, and night shifts had significantly higher fatigue scores than other groups. In the work characteristics, high "Job mental demands ", low "employment insecurity " and low" social support, low "work place justice" and low "labor participation" have a significantly higher score on occupational burnout. According to the research results suggestion: the shift period should be avoided too short; the night shift care should has assistant manpower; the continuing education can add some spiritual counseling lecture in addition to the professional ability course. Let the nursing staff face the daily work with a more positive attitude.


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