  • 學位論文


A Study of the Classroom Management Strategies of the Elementary School First-Grade Homeroom Teachers

指導教授 : 魏渭堂


本研究旨在探討國小新生導師班級的經營策略。本研究以有效班級經營策略為理論基礎,採用質性研究半結構回溯式訪談臺中市5 所公立小學新生導師,每所學校各1 位,將蒐集的資料進行分析編碼。研究分析結果如下。 一、 新生導師常用的班級常規是走廊不奔跑和上課發言請舉手;班級常規的用意是常規管理及違規時有原則可以依循。 二、 增進親師溝通最好的方法就是多傾聽、多溝通;國小新生都很好溝通,師生互動關係都很良好。 三、 新生導師會先取得學生基本資料並對小朋友家庭狀況做初步暸解;迎接新生前會把所有課程資料及新生物品準備好,不會等到學生來了再一邊做;教室物理環境的規劃首重整潔、其次是美化和溫馨實用。 四、 新生剛開學時同儕間易有摩擦及告狀,十週後改善;最影響學童學校作息的是上學遲到和飲食習慣的建立;親師期望在生活自理方面常遇到的問題是餵藥和擰抺布;課業期望方面,老師通常期望學童握筆和寫字姿勢正確、字體工整、用心學習,家長通常期望學童有好成績和排名。 五、 融合教育首要的事是與學生家長溝通;導師剛開學會引導一般生和特殊生相處;特殊生在教室呈現的問題是被欺負、干擾班級活動、學習跟不上。


This study aimed to investigate the classroom management strategies of the home-room teachers of first grade in elementary schools. This study was theoretically based on effective classroom management strategies, and adopted qualitative research methodology. By semi-structured retrospective interviews, the data was collected from 5 public elementary schools in Taichung City .Each school had a home-room teacher of first grade as research participant. The collected documents were encoded and analyzed. The findings of this study were listed as follows. 1. The purpose of class rules was to set up the principle for teachers to do classroom managements and know what to do when the students broke the rules. The most common class rules of the first grades’ home-room teachers were “No running in hallways” and “Raise your hand before you speak”. 2. The best ways to improve the quality of teacher-parent communication were to listen attentively and communicate frequently. Most of general students nicely communicated with teachers and built good relationships with them. 3. The home-room teachers of first grade would get basic understandings of students’ and their families’ background information through their files and the teachers would prepare lessons and all the materials the students might need before the school started. The standards of arranging classroom environment were neatly clean which was the most important, beautiful, warm and practical. 4. In the first ten weeks, there were more conflicts and complaints among students, and the situation improved afterwards. Being late for school and improper eating habits would affect steadiness of students’ daily routines. For the abilities of living independence, students normally had difficulties to achieve parents’ and teachers’ expectations in taking medicine and wringing mops. For the academic achievements, the teachers usually expected students to keep correct pencil grasps and postures while writing, to have beautiful hand works, and to concentrate on their studies, while the parents expected their children to get good scores and better rankings. 5. The primary corresponding solutions in classroom management under inclusive education was to communicate with the exceptional parents and the general parents as well. At the beginning of the school, home-room teachers would teach the general students how to get along with the exceptional students. The emotions and behaviors of exceptional students might interfere the class activities; meanwhile, they might be bullied and fall behind in studies.


