  • 學位論文


Survey on the Lifestyles and Leisure Activities of Visually Impared Persons Engaged in Masseurs in Taichung

指導教授 : 陳永福


研究背景:依據內政部統計處(2015)的資料顯示,全台視覺障礙者之總人數為57,136人,其中許多人從事按摩工作。視覺障礙者是否有健康的生活型態及休閒活動是值得關心的議題,本研究的主要目的為探討臺中市從事按摩工作之視覺障礙者的生活型態與休閒活動狀況,以期能協助提升他們的生活品質。 研究方法:以結構式問卷立意取樣、口述報讀問卷內容且協助代筆勾選、不記名等方式,收集150位視覺障礙者之問卷資料,內容包含人口學變項、李克特五點式AIO(活動、興趣、意見)生活型態及休閒活動量表;問卷經由專家進行效度檢定,總信度值達0.744。本研究經倫理委員會審查同意後實施並經受訪者同意後由研究者逐一親自面訪作答,收集之資料以SPSS進行統計分析。 結果:人口學資料之分析結果顯示:150位受訪者中, (1)男性有93位、女性57位,(2)視力先天受損有89人、具行動視覺者79人,(3)領有重度殘障者133人,(4)年齡介於31至50歲之間者有100人,(5)教育程度為高中職學歷者88人,(6)每月可自由支配之金額在9999元以下者有88人,(7)在同一機構工作4-10年以上者有106人,平均年資為16.3年,(8)未婚73人。AIO問卷分析的結果發現:受訪者大多喜歡聽小說、聽電影、聽歌、聽廣播、聽電視,並且願意品嚐不同風味之食物;另外,即使薪水低也希望可以從事自己喜歡、安定、有保障的工作等(平均數值都在為4以上,標準差數值都較小)。大多數的視障者表示,他們想要參與的休閒活動包括郊外踏青、溜直排輪、攀岩活動、練太極、溯溪等,然而受限於視覺的影響,目前所從事的休閒活動大多都不是他們想要的;另外,普遍的低收入呈現出視覺障礙者覺得並無受到政府機關良好的生活補助津貼和照顧。因為視覺障礙者所從事的行為大多必須仰賴其他人的幫助且必須花費相當的費用,如果為了提升生活品質而參與其他的休閒活動將導致基本生活費用呈現赤字。 結論:視覺障礙者確實想要參與更多的休閒活動,但受限於視覺的影響及低所得,通常無法參與他們所想要的休閒活動。我們建議政府應該制定更多有利於視障者之政策及提高他們的生活補助費用,進而提升他們的生活品質。 關鍵字:視覺障礙者、生活型態、休閒活動


Abstract Backgrounds: According to the data issued in 2015 by Department of Statistics, Ministry of the Interior, a total of 57,136 people were visually impared in Taiwan and some of them were masseuers. Whether people with visual impairements have helthy lifestyles or leisure activities is an important issue. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the lifestyles and leisure activities for those with visual impairements working as masseurs so that useful suggestions can be raised to improve their quality of life. Methods: A structured questionnaire was designed and purposive sampling was adopted for this investigation. The questionnaires were orally ditated to 150 visally impared paricipants with oral responses collected by the investigators. The questionnaire included demorgraphic information and AIO questions for inquiring activities and interests preferred as well as their personal opinions. The questionnaire was validated by experts with a reliability of 0.744 (Cronbach alpha value). Informed consents were collected before conducting interviews. This study was approved by Institute of Reviewing Board. SPSS software package (IBM, version 17.0) was adopted for statistical analysis. Results: The results showed that, among the 150 participants, 93 were male; 73 were unmarried; 89 were visually impaired and 79 kept action vision; 133 were diagnosed as visually disabled; 100 were within 31-50 years old; 88 said their living expenditure was lower than 9999 NT dollars; and 107 had continuously worked for a company for 4-10 years. It was also observed that the participants favored reading novels, as well as listening to music, movie, broadcast, and TV. The participants also expressed that they enjoyed tasting various foods and preferred having a stable job even the salary was low. Regrading engagement of leisure activities, hiking, skating, rock-climbing, taichi practice, upstreaming, etc, were all preferred activities. However, because of visual impairement, the activities they conducted were mostly not they liked. Low dominating living expenditure (<9999 NT dollars) indicated that it lacked effective governmental policies and subsidiaries to assist visually impaired people to sustain their quality of life. Most participants were unable to pay for the cost to engage in lesure activities because of low income. Conclusion: Although visually impared people preferred having healthy leisure activities, they were limited by visual disability and were not affordable to pay the cost for the low income. We suggest that the government should enact more beneficial policies and provide sufficient sudsidaries to promote their quality of life. Keywords: visually-impaired persons, lifestyle, leisure activities


內政部統計月報表.1.11-歷年單齡人口數、人口年齡中位數 (XLS).2015年12月9日,取自內政部統計月報表網址http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/month/list.htm。
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