  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Determinants of Houshold Electricity Expenditure

指導教授 : 黃琝琇


本研究資料來源取自於行政院主計總處2008年至2013年家庭收支調查,以推估台灣的家戶電力支出影響因素,將以分量迴歸模型(Quantile Regressuon)作為估計方法進行分析。資料分析結果歸納如下:第一,戶長特性方面,女性戶長或教育程度較低者,相對於男性戶長或教育程度較高者,家戶每人電力消費支出相對較高,表示家戶的電力消費存在著性別差異,教育程度會直接影響高電力消費家戶。第二,家戶特性方面,家戶規模較小者、老年人口較多者以及所得愈高者,家戶每人電力消費支出相對較高,代表現今社會生育率降低,社會人口逐漸面臨人口老化現象,間接影響電力消費支出。第三,在住宅特性方面,房屋屬於營業用者、家戶面積愈大者和家庭耗能設備愈多者的家戶,電力消費支出相對較高的傾向。第四,家戶電力消費支出佔總消費支出比例,會隨著家戶所得能力增加而減少,顯示家戶電力消費支出在總消費支出項目中屬於必需品,具有累退之特性。此外,家戶電力消費支出佔總能源消費支出比例,發現隨著所得階層上升而增加,顯示電力消費在能源消費中佔重要比例。 總之,以電力消費支出方面為家戶節約能源目標,可針對高所得高電力消費族群之行為特性,制定相關節能措施以因應政策。並尋求有效誘因促使家戶電力消費行為改變,將落實節約電力消費支出的重要關鍵。且民眾都須具有節約能源的意識,透過教育管道的加強宣達,改善電力消費行為,進而減緩全球暖化,才能促進資源的永續利用。 關鍵詞:家戶電力消費、分量迴歸、家戶特性


This study uses Quantile Regressuon to investigate the determinants of household electricity consumption in Taiwan. The household data from 2008 to 2013 are used. Our results are as follows. First, the effects of household demographic and dwelling characteristics on household electricity consumption may differ across quantiles and change overtime. Second, households with female and less-educated heads spend more on electricity than households with male and higher-educated heads. In addition, smaller household size, more elderly members and households with higher income, would be likely to have higher electricity expenditure. Third, households with owner-occupied, business-used, larger housing area, and more home appliances, may use more electricity. Forth, the ratio of household electricity expenditure to total expenditure will reduce with the increase of household income. It shows that the household electricity is a normal good and a necessary item, which exhibits regressive feature. In summary, the policy maker should use some effective strategies to promote behavioral change in household electricity consumption. In particular, the government should reduce electricity consumption of the high electricity users and make policy to promote the use of energy-efficient appliances. Keywords: Household electricity consumption, Quantile regression, Household characteristics


一、 中文部分
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