  • 學位論文


The Recruitment Effectiveness of Supplementary Soldiers in National Army’s Voluntary Service

指導教授 : 劉自強
共同指導教授 : 馬秀蘭(Hsiu-Lan Ma)


我國因應少子化與戰略環境改變,國防部為了建立更具專業化軍隊推動募兵制,調整兵員結構。但預計2014年達成招募全志願役士兵的目標,因軍隊內部配套措施不足而展延至2017年,招募成效不如預期。本文運用文獻分析法與當面訪談,探討社會環境與軍隊體制交互影響下的募兵制實況,並比較兵役制度與戰略經驗,藉此了解募兵制對我國軍隊轉型與國家安全之關係。 研究發現我國募兵制缺乏配套,在組織架構上權責混亂、招募方式過於功利化、在組織認同與使命感弱化、軍隊任務趨於多元化。軍方在人力資源管理上欠缺新思惟,募兵制在政策與實務上仍有認知與執行的差異,軍隊募兵方法與組織體制影響志願役士兵價值觀念,並與軍隊傳統文化產生衝突。募兵制對士兵就學、就業、生涯輔導等配套措施仍未臻完善。


軍隊 募兵制 兵役制度 國家安全


In light of the low birthrate and changes in the strategic environment in China, the Ministry of National Defense adjusted the military structure in order to establish a more specialized army to promote the recruitment system. However, it is expected that the goal of recruiting full-time volunteers in 2014 will be extended to 2017 due to inadequate military support measures, and the recruitment results will be less than expected. This paper uses literature analysis methods and face-to-face interviews to explore the reality of the recruitment system under the interaction of the social environment and the military system, and to compare the military service system and strategic experience with a view to understanding the relationship between the military recruitment system and the transformation of China’s military and national security. The study finds that country’s recruiting system lacks support, the power and responsibility of the organization structure is confusing, the recruitment method is too utilitarian, the organizational identity and sense of mission are weakened, and the military task tends to be diversified. The military lacks new ideas in human resources management. There are still differences in policies and practices between recruiting and cognizance. The recruitment methods and organizational systems affect the values of volunteer soldiers and conflicts with traditional military culture and recruitment system has not yet perfected supporting measures such as schooling, employment, and career guidance for soldiers.


李娉婷(2016),「小白案」抗爭成功傷害了誰?台灣動物新聞網,http://www.tanews. org.tw/info/10744,擷取日期2018年1月28日。
吳斯懷(2017),打油詩揭國軍招募現況,中時電子報2017年10月11日http://www. chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20171011006155-260407,擷取日期2018年2月8日。
