  • 學位論文


Use refine the Kano model for drunk driving inmates in prison for implementation of key quality study-a case study of a prison in Central

指導教授 : 黃承啟


酒駕案件,無論肇事與否,似乎都已成為每日社會版面上不是新聞的新聞。自從1999年我國將酒駕行為列為公共危險罪後,就一直提高酒駕犯的刑罰程度,但是都忽略其應該接受治療的本質。當前的作法就是一窩蜂的將他們丟到監獄中,眼不見為淨。問題看似解決,其實是衍生出更多的問題。 現今矯正機關在落實執行法務部寬嚴並進的刑事政策,使監所關所當關,研究者是任職於臺中監獄,見酒駕受刑人入監後絕大部分配業於短刑期工場,在工作上更是直接面對面的管理,對於酒駕受刑人來來去去進出矯正機關,他們入監後是否能適應監禁的生活,監方安排的輔導教育是否能改變他的生活與習慣,是現行實務的一大難題。 本研究以臺中監獄因酒駕案件入所執行者為對象,其酒駕者的特質,多數屬於在社會階層中,社經地位較弱勢的條件。因此酒駕者在進入矯正機關執行的酒駕行為改善上,以運用精化Kano模型探討酒駕受刑人在監執行之關鍵品質研究作為檢視執行政策上之成效並從中了解酒駕受刑人在進入矯正機關執行後,了解酒駕受刑人在接受矯正處遇,作到改善不再酒後駕駛的發生。在研究過程中發現,對於接受矯正處遇的強制性措施,必須仍依賴其他環境條件的配合,始能做到有效的矯正不良行為,並提供建議,作為矯治執行酒駕受刑人處遇的參考。


Summary of drunk driving cases, whether accident or not, seems to have become a daily news in the social space. Since 1999 after drunken driving crimes acts as a public danger in China, has been increasing penalties for drunken driving committed level, but have ignored the nature of the treatment. Current practice is like putting them in prison, out of sight for the net. Issue appears to be resolved, are actually spawned more problems. Today correction organ in implementation method works department wide strict and Chai of criminal policy, makes prison by shut by Dang shut, researchers is served Yu Taichung prison, see wine driving inmates people into prison Hour most distribution industry Yu short sentence workers field, in work Shang more is directly face-to-face of management, for wine driving inmates people come and go access correction organ, they into prison Hour whether can adapted imprisonment of life, prison party arrangements of counseling education whether can change he of life and habits, is a big problem. Lamentation Hour, understand wine driving inmates people in accept correction at met, for to improve no longer drink driving of occurred. In conducting the study found that, for the mandatory measures corrective treatment must still rely on other environmental conditions of can only be effective in correcting bad behavior and provide advice. This study performed by the Taichung prison for drunk driving case into targeting, the hallmarks of his drunken driving, most of them are in social class and socioeconomic status weakened condition. So wine driving who in into correction organ implementation of wine driving behavior improved Shang, to with shipped fine of Kano model discussion wine driving inmates people in prison implementation of key quality research as view implementation policy Shang of effectiveness and from understand wine driving inmates people in into correction organ incorrect implementation of drunken driving victim treatment reference.


1. 林山田,刑法通論(下),臺北市:元照出版有限公司,2008年01月。
2. 林山田,刑罰學,臺北市:臺灣商務印書館,2010年12月。
3. 許福生,犯罪與刑事政策學,臺北市:元照出版有限公司,2010年09月。
