  • 學位論文


A Study of Impact of Elementary School Students' Self-concept through Children Stories and Art Creation

指導教授 : 符逸群


本研究旨在探討運用兒童故事引導藝術創作增益學童自我概念之成效。本實驗以行動研究為主,佐以單因子準實驗研究法,以台中市某一國小四年級學童為研究對象進行實驗教學活動,並於教學前後施以「國小兒童自我概念量表」進行樣本T檢定,以了解其自我概念在「量」方面的變化,再從中選取高、中、低程度學童各兩名為主要研究對象,進行內容分析,以了解其自我概念在「質」方面的變化情形。同時也透過課堂觀察、創作作品、訪談紀錄等,探知學童探索自我之過程中可能遇到的問題,及其因應之道。 本研究的結果如下: 一、「運用兒童故事引導藝術創作」能提升學童學習興趣、幫助學生聯想到自己的經驗,對於認識自我很有益處。 二、「運用兒童故事引導藝術創作之課程」對學童自我概念有正向的影響。 三、「運用兒童故事引導藝術創作之課程」有助於分析學童特性,施以適切的輔導方案。 四、「運用兒童故事引導藝術創作」能化為具體易行的教學步驟,其流程為創設故事情境、故事討論與分享、藝術創作指引、進行藝術創作、創作理念分享。 本研究根據上述結果,對未來教學及研究方向提出建議,以期「運用兒童故事引導藝術創作」更容易在教學現場中推行,並作為未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of self- concept development on children through children stories and art work creation. This study primarily deploys an action research with single-factor Quasi-experimental research. A set of experimental teaching activities are conducted on one 4th grade students of one selected elementary school in Taichung City. We evaluate children’s self-concept scores before and after experiments using The Self Concept Scale for Elementary School Children for pairing T-test to understand the change in quantity of children’s self-concept. Moreover, we segmented children into three groups based on self-concept scores to compare the change in quality of children’s self-concept. In addition, this study also discusses the challenges and solutions for self-concept development through classroom observations, art work creation and survey. The findings of this study are as following: 1. Children stories and art work creation inspire children’s learning interests with their experiences and help self-awareness development. 2. The courses with children stories and art work develop positive influence on self-concept. 3. The courses with children stories and art work help teachers to understand children’s personality and assign appropriate counseling programs. 4. This teaching approach with children stories and art work can be conducted in very practical steps. These steps are children stories creations, stories sharing, art skills teaching, art work creations and art work critique. Based upon the stated findings above, this study provides practical advices for future teaching and research using children stories and art work creation.


