  • 學位論文


The Creative Research of the Public Bicycle Image which Combines with Tainan Local Culture and Art Decoration Style

指導教授 : 陳健文


近幾年來國際間倡導「樂活」環保意識,其理念宣揚「愛健康,也愛地球」, 訴求兼顧生活環保與自我身心靈品質的提升;然而早期大眾使用的交通運輸工具 ─自行車,不僅沒有隨著時代的進步被汽、機車所淘汰,反倒是順勢藉由這波國 際主流意識一躍而起,成為倡議樂活概念的代表性活動之一。 在台灣,高雄與台北兩地現今也開始仿效國外先進城市做法,規劃、興建公 共自行車租借站,藉由遍佈城市週遭的眾多據點,以及便利的配套措施,逐漸地 吸引社會大眾的注意與支持,近年來更常見民眾利用公共自行車取代排放大量污 染的汽、機車作為代步工具。本研究擬針對高雄與台北兩地之公共自行車方案理 念作探究,在瞭解其相關配套措施後,欲為家鄉台南打造專屬於該城市的公共自 行車虛擬提案,主要訴求為尋找台南在地文化之特色為何?將其文化符碼轉化成 圖案意象後,再輔以裝飾藝術風格呈現出台南在地之美,設計專屬於台南在地文 化的自行車車體圖案,期望民眾能藉由騎乘這樣的自行車,不僅確實體認樂活概 念,更成功地行銷與推廣台南之美。


In recent year, the environmental awareness of LOHAS is advocated internationally, and the idea of LOHAS is “Love health, as well as love earth.” There are more focuses on the environmental life and the improvement of the quality of personal body and mind. However, the bicycle which people used in the past as the transportation tools, while the time goes by, it has not been replaced by the scooters or cars. On the contrary, it develops better, and becomes a trend internationally, and it also be one of the representative activities of LOHAS. In Taiwan, Kaohsiung and Taipei City begin to imitate the practices of foreign advanced urban country, such as planning and building the public bicycle rental stations in different places. And they get the people’s attention increasingly by settling many locations around the city, and providing convenient supplementary measures. Nearly years, there are more people use public bicycles instead of riding the scooters or driving cars, and this action decreases the pollution remarkably. This study focuses on exploring the concept of public bicycle system in Kaohsiung and Taipei City. After being familiar with the supplementary measures, there is a purpose to submit a virtual proposal of building a public bicycle image of Tainan, and to find out what are the characteristics of Tainan local culture. Afterward, turns these cultural codes into the pattern images, and uses the art decoration style to show the characteristics of Tainan local culture, as well as to design the unique image of public bicycle. Hoping people not only indeed realize the concept of LOHAS, but doing well marketing to popularize the beauty of Tainan successfully by riding the public bicycle.


2.木村麻紀Maki Kimura,李毓昭譯(2007)。全球樂活潮。台中:晨星出版。
