  • 學位論文


Museum Interactive Exhibition for Mixed Reality–A Case Study of Coin Museum

指導教授 : 巫俊采


博物館的展示手法日新月異,從最傳統的物件陳列、圖文說明、影片播放,到強調動手操作、觀眾參與,如今更強調數位多媒體、人機互動的概念。混合實境的技術能將真實的現實畫面結合虛擬物件,並且能直接運用雙手對虛擬物件進行互動。國外博物館已有混合實境的應用案例,反觀國內博物館展示,多數為擴增實境與虛擬實境為主,尚未看到有混合實境的展示。因此,本研究將以校內「錢幣博物館」為實踐場域,製作展物3D模型,運用Microsoft HoloLens 2開發混合實境互動展示系統,並舉辦展演進行系統實測。研究對象為參與展演的觀眾,採用問卷調查法、觀察法與半結構式訪談法進行資料的蒐集,進行量化與質化的分析。研究工具採用SUS系統易用性量表,並進行展演側錄。研究結果發現整體SUS分數平均值為74,等級為C,證實本系統有一定的易用性。綜合展演側錄影片的觀察與訪談逐字稿的質性分析結果得出:1.多元感官導覽方式拓展受眾群2.新奇的互動方式增加體驗感提升觀賞意願。藉由本研究可得出以下結論:1.混合實境互動展示具有易用性 2.保有文物真實性的互動展示體驗3.多元互動性展示能夠拓展觀眾族群。而本研究的建議:1.由無經驗者測試系統再修正 2.以常態性展演博物館的觀眾施測 3.數位典藏的新發展 4.增加與人交流互動。


New types of exhibition have been introduced into museums. In addition to the most conventional artifact display, graphic descriptions, and video playbacks, museums now emphasize hands-on operation and audience participation. Today, digital multimedia and human–computer interactions have received considerable emphasis. Through mixed reality technology, real-life images are combined with virtual objects for direct interaction through hand movements. While museums in other countries have incorporated this technology, most museums in Taiwan have continued to prioritize augmented reality and virtual reality; none of the museums in Taiwan have featured mixed reality exhibitions. This study explored the applicability of mixed technology exhibition in the currency museum of our school. The 3D models of exhibits were produced. Microsoft HoloLens 2 was employed to develop a mixed reality interactive exhibition system, which was tested in an exhibition. The audience participating in the exhibition was surveyed through a questionnaire, an observation, and a semistructured interview for quantitative and qualitative analysis. System usability scale was applied, and a sideshow was recorded. The results revealed that the average score on the system usability scale was 74, corresponding to the rank of C and verifying the mixed reality system as considerably usable. According to the sideshow recording and the interview transcripts, the qualitative analysis results were as follows: (1) multisensory guided tours are conducive to expanding audiences, and (2) novel interactive methods enhance audiences’ museum experience, increasing their willingness to participate in the exhibition. Accordingly, the conclusion is as follows: (1) the mixed reality interactive exhibition system is usable, (2) the interactive exhibition preserves artifact authenticity, and (3) diverse interactive exhibitions are beneficial for expanding audiences. Accordingly, we suggest that the system be tested and modified further by people without mixed reality experience, the audiences of regular museum exhibitions be included in system testing, new digital archives be developed, and interactive exchange between exhibitions and their audiences be increased.


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