  • 學位論文


The influence of the packaging design and brand image of bottled water on consumers’purchase intention

指導教授 : 張次正


隨著時代的進步,國人也愈注重身體保養,近年來政府更對於國中、小學發佈禁售含糖飲料的法規。根據相關的統計數字顯示,在飲料的消費族群中已有逐漸低頻化的趨勢,進一步了解發現,許多重度飲用飲料的消費者轉而購買包裝水,代表著包裝水的市場已逐年掘起。其中影響消費者購買該品牌包裝水的因素很多,而本研究主要以造型設計與品牌形象兩項重點,深入了解對消費者購買意願是否有影響。 本研究主要調查2018年針對大台中地區278位消費者對於目前市售包裝水的主要選擇性有哪些,並以泰山純水及悅氏Light鹼性水兩支不同品牌的包裝水作為實驗對象,利用兩份不同的問卷調查結果分析,進一步研究結果如下: 一、造型設計對消費者購買意願有顯著影響。一個外表較能吸引消費者的產品確實能提高銷售量,也使得消費者願意主動購買,由此可知包裝設計的重要性。 二、品牌形象對消費者購買意願有顯著影響。品牌形象能影響消費者對於該品牌的認同度,良好的品牌形象對於該企業及其產品是密不可分的,因此,企業必須維持良好的品牌形象,來提升在消費者心中的地位。


Nowadays, Taiwanese people pay much more attention to health issues. The government has established laws banning the sale of sugar-sweetened beverages in elementary and junior high schools. Relevant statistics have shown that the number of consumers of beverages has gradually declined. And many consumers who are addicted to beverages tend to replace beverages with bottled water, which points to the blooming market of bottled water. The consumers’ purchase of bottled water is subject to a variety of factors. This study aimed to explore the influence of packaging design and brand image on consumes’ purchase intention, examining the alternatives of bottled water by consumers in the Taichung area. Taisun Pure Water and YES Light Mineral Water were investigated in the study. The results showed that the packaging design of bottled water significantly affected consumers’ purchase intention. Products with attractive packaging designs helped increase sales and strengthen consumers' purchase intention. Brand images, in addition to packaging designs, have significant impacts on consumers’ purchase and consumer-brand identification. Since a good brand image is closely associated with a company and its products, the company must create a good brand image to enhance its value.


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