  • 學位論文


Building Planning and Optimization of Intelligent Logistics Systems

指導教授 : 周敏貞


隨著資通訊技術發展、雲端技術的發展、行動裝置的普及,對於即時交通資訊、網路化與行動化應用服務及整合性交通資訊需求日益殷切。智慧物流是指將物流運輸工具結合資訊與通訊產業,降低貨物運輸事故發生率、運輸裝卸不易及完善偏鄉地區物流需求服務等問題。透過物聯網結合人工智慧的無人載具,有效進行道路監控減少撞車事故。除了能夠幫助緩解能源危機,繼而幫助我們保護好環境。智慧物流讓貨品享有更好的保障性,也能使各地都能貨暢其流,進而提升國家競爭力。 在考量投遞設施建置地點是否能在節能與互通相連的前提下,我們在建地群間以最小生成樹的概念實現。且希望投遞營業所能夠使用效益最大化,透過周遭環境因素轉化成數值,並找出建地群中的最小支配集,顯示各個建地的建置位置。在大數據與人工智慧充斥的現今社會,無人載具與我們的日常生活密不可分。在各國大力推動下,各個產業在無人載具技術中挖掘出新的商機。對於物流業者而言,無人載具的出現大大影響物流運輸的架購,進而實現無人化運輸作業,降低人員方面的成本。智慧物流服務可協助物流業者對於行進中的無人載具進行許多監控,例如載具溫度監控、即時查詢貨品狀況、行車路面分析、結合客服中心確認配達時間與查看每日營運資料,如此更能有效管理績效指標。若智慧物流能結合社區環境與投遞營業所間的連結,大幅提升城市裡的物流運輸效率,並且降低了物流運輸成本與避免交通壅擠的因素。因此,經由智慧物流的規劃並透過無人載具的運輸,可大幅促進都市與社區環境的適居度。我們應用弗洛伊德演算法規劃無人載具運輸路線,進而計算單次運輸至三個投遞營業所之最短路徑,來完成整個運輸作業前的路線規劃。 本論文透過圖形理論中的最小生成樹與最小支配集結合弗洛伊德演算法,來設計智慧物流系統中物流營業所的建置與分析運輸路線最佳化,以最小的成本提高運輸量並可使營運方獲取最大利潤。


In the past few years, the number of the building has increased dramatically. The bridges between the building are becoming more popular. For convenience, we want to build the bridges connecting all of the building. The distances of the bridges may be are different, we call these distances the weights of the edges. To find a minimum weight set of edges that connects all of the building, we apply the Prim's algorithm to find a minimum cost spanning tree T which the edges of T are the bridges between building. Besides, we also propose an appropriate location for building. We find the minimum dominating set to locate the stores. Unmanned vehicles are already used in Today′s society. They in the present can help survivors in a disaster. Unmanned vehicles are often used for carrying goods. The distance between two places A and B is the weight of the edge AB. The weight graph is a graph in which every edge has a value associated with it. We want to use Floyd Algorithm, which an efficient for finding the shortest distance and shortest path between every pair of two nodes. We implement the Floyd Algorithm, and afterwards find the shortest path of an unmanned vehicle in a disaster relief mission.


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