  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumers' Aesthetic Perception, Brand Image and Purchase Intention: The Case Study of Chinese Restaurants

指導教授 : 林永森
共同指導教授 : 黃文雄(Wen-shiung Huang)


隨著時間推移,美學已被廣泛運用於人們日常生活中的每個角落,食衣住行育樂無不缺乏美的存在,如今競爭日漸嚴峻的餐飲市場,如何利用美學創造自身獨特品牌形象,進而創造消費者的消費意願,並藉此提昇經營績效,已是研究與產業界持續關注的議題。 本研究從消費者觀點出發,運用準實驗設計法探討消費者其美學知覺 (美學勞務、美學氣氛)對不同類型餐飲業其品牌形象及購買意願之差異情形。經由文獻回顧、相關理論提出研究假設及設計實驗影片,利用問卷收集資料及統計分析檢驗本研究假設。影片設計以台中市清新溫泉飯店附設天地一家中餐廳 (消費單價較高)、十二月 (消費單價中等)、蔡佩親海鮮現炒 (消費單價較低)等中式餐廳為本研究實驗設計場域。問卷填答之受試者為觀光與休閒管理系 (餐旅服務相關專業)、流行設計系 (服裝、造型設計相關專業)之學生,研究方法採量化研究進行問卷調查,受試者於測驗前先觀賞個別餐廳之影片後填答問卷,獲得有效問卷共325份。 經由統計分析後之研究結果說明如下:(一)受試者的其社經背景變項分佈,於性別部分主以女性居多;大學部三年級的學生居多;喜歡的餐廳類型以喜歡西式餐廳居多,其次為中式餐廳;天地一家、十二月、蔡佩親海鮮現炒各餐廳之用餐經驗皆以否居多;在選擇餐廳時會在意價格以同意居多。(二)人口統計變項於美學知覺、品牌形象、購買意願之差異情形:1.「喜歡的餐廳類型」在「購買意願」具有顯著差異;2.「十二月餐廳用餐之經驗」在「品牌形象」與「購買意願」具有顯著差異;3.受測者在「美學氣氛」及「美學勞務」部分,無論是「美學特質」、「美學要求」或是「服務接觸」在各項人口統計變項上,皆無顯著差異。 (三)不同類型餐旅業的消費者其美學知覺 (美學勞務、美學氣氛)對「品牌形象」具有顯著差異,事後比較各餐廳品牌形象發現,十二月最高,天地一家次之,蔡佩親最低,產生此結果可能因大學階段之學生易受消費價格影響,而選擇忽視餐廳整體美學呈現,另外,餐旅業者利用美學知覺塑造的獨特形象,較能吸引學生階段的年輕消費者,且能使其對餐廳產生鮮明的品牌形象。(四)不同類型餐旅業的消費者其美學知覺 (美學勞務、美學氣氛)對「購買意願」具有顯著差異,事後比較各餐廳購買意願發現,十二月最高,天地一家、蔡佩親最低,由於年輕消費者較會為獨特體驗買單,因此餐廳運用美學結合獨有的服務與氛圍,將能有效吸引年輕消費者的青睞,此可能是提升其購買意願的關鍵之一,此外若餐廳價格超出消費者能負擔的範圍,消費者可能不會因餐廳呈現之美學勞務、美學氣氛等美學知覺較好,而願意選擇到該餐廳消費。最後藉由上述研究結果提供餐旅經營者、未來研究學者後續管理經營及學術研究之參考。


Over time, aesthetic sensibilities have gradually spread to every aspect of people’s lives, including food, clothing, accommodation, transportation, education, and entertainment. In today’s increasingly competitive catering market, taking advantage of aesthetic design to build a unique and attractive brand image is key to creating revenue. Therefore, aesthetics and aesthetic design are widely studied by research institutions and companies alike. In this study, we devised a consumer-centered quasi-experimental method to examine how respondents’ aesthetic perception (in terms of aesthetic labor and aesthetic atmosphere) of the brand images of different types of restaurants affect purchase intentions. We conducted a literature review of relevant theories to formulate research hypotheses, and designed an experimental video based on three Asian restaurants: Freshfields Asian Fusion Restaurant (expensive), Shih Er Yue (moderate), and Tsai Pei Qin Seafood Restaurant (inexpensive). A quantitative questionnaire survey method was employed, in which students studying leisure and tourism management with catering and service specializations and fashion and design students with textile and fashion design specializations were invited to watch the video before completing the questionnaire. A total of 325 valid questionnaires were obtained. In terms of demographics, most of the respondents were female; in their junior year of university; preferred Western restaurants; had never dined at Freshfields Asian Fusion Restaurant, Shih Er Yue, or Tsai Pei Qin Seafood Restaurant; and considered price when selecting a restaurant. Cross-referencing demographics with aesthetic perception, brand image, and purchase intention showed that purchase intention responses in the “preferred restaurant type” category and brand image and purchase intention responses in the “experience dining at Shih Er Yue” category differed significantly. However, no statistical differences were observed in aesthetic traits, aesthetic requirements, and service encounters responses in the “aesthetic atmosphere” and “aesthetic labor” categories. The respondents had significantly different aesthetic perceptions in the “brand image” category. Post-hoc comparison showed that the respondents preferred Shih Er Yue, followed by Freshfields Asian Fusion Restaurant and Tsai Pei Qin Seafood Restaurant. The reason for this preference may be that university students value price over aesthetics. The results also indicate that restaurant operators who value aesthetic perception and shape a unique brand image are more able to attract young consumers. The respondents had significantly different aesthetic perceptions in the “purchase intention” category. Post-hoc comparison of purchase intention showed that the respondents preferred Shih Er Yue, followed by Freshfields Asian Fusion Restaurant and Tsai Pei Qin Seafood Restaurant. The reason for this preference may be that young consumers are more inclined to pay for unique experiences. Therefore, restaurants with unique aesthetic services and atmosphere may be more able to attract young consumers and stimulate purchase intention. However, they may not be willing to choose the restaurant if prices exceed their acceptable range. The findings of this study serve as a reference for restaurant operators and future management research.


交通部觀光局 (2021)。歷年發展策略。擷取日期:2021/07/26,取自:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileUploadCategoryListC003100.aspx?CategoryID=b765214d-ecae-497e-9d5d-7233eaafd4df&appname=FileUploadCategory3103Tourism2020-%E8%87%BA%E7%81%A3%E6%B0%B8%E7%BA%8C%E8%A7%80%E5%85%89%E7%99%BC%E5%B1%95%E6%96%B9%E6%A1%88
交通部觀光局 (2021)。觀光業務統計。擷取日期:2021/07/29,取自:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/
交通部觀光局 (2021)。星級旅館評鑑作業要點。擷取日期:2021/08/22,取自:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/TourismRegulationDetailC003200.aspx?Cond=8a6e83e0-3b7c-4f6d-9778-255789656230
經濟部統計處 (2021)。批發、零售及餐飲業統計調查。擷取日期:2021/07/18,取自:https://dmz26.moea.gov.tw/GMWeb/investigate/InvestigateEA.aspx
