  • 學位論文


A Study of the Compare Merge of the Local Government Expenditure and the Malmquist in Taiwan Area

指導教授 : 楊永列


本研究主要利用Färe et al.,(1994)生產面Malmquist 生產力指數(tfpch),再細分為生產技術效率變動指數(effch )、技術變動指數(techch ) 、純技術效率變動指數(pech )與規模效率變動指數動(sech)等。在2002-2008 年間,合併前縣市政府管理的無效率是造成縣市政府生產技術無效率的主要來源。縣市合併可能因規模分散的無效率,導致合併後縣市政府生產技術無效率的下降。國內縣市政府模擬合併後之地方財政生產力指數effch 、techch、pech、sech、tfpch 平均值分別為0.9970,1.0020,1.0020,0.9950 及0.9990。表示縣市政府合併後的生產面生產力tfpch 有-4.60%下降。


Following Färe et al., (1994), this study decomposed the input-oriented Malmquist productivity (tfpch) index into four sources of productivity change : technical efficiency change (effch), technical change (techch), pure efficiency change (pech) and scale efficiency change (sech). In the period of 2002 to 2008, inefficiency of government management before the merging of prefectures in Taiwan majorly effects production inefficiency of prefecture governments. Probably, inefficiency of dispersive scale and resource after prefectures merging make the technical efficiency of prefecture governments decrease. Based on the simulation data of the merging of prefectures, effch, techch, pech, sech and tfpch, are 0.9970, 1.0020, 1.0020, 0.9950 and 0.9990, respectively. After the merging of prefectures, the tfpch productivity index averagely decreases 4.6%.


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