  • 學位論文


The Matching Mechanism of Human Resource and Service on Senior Citizen Health Care in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳志明
共同指導教授 : 蔡鴻仁(Horng-Ren Tsai)


本論文研製之少子化及高齡化是目前各國社會普遍面臨的重要議題,亦是影響未來各個國家競爭力的關鍵因素。為了降低前述問題對我國社會的衝擊,長期照護服務是政府積極發展的重點項目之一。隨著臺灣地區人口快速老化、疾病型態變遷及長期照護需求日益嚴重的情況下,如何有效的落實長期照護政策,使得老人安養問題能夠妥善解決,成為一重要且迫切的課題。根據內政部統計處的統計,臺灣目前人口結構中,65歲以上老人被照顧之需求快速增加,因而導致照護服務人力之供給呈現不足之情形,此為一值得關注之研究議題。如何在服務資源有限的情況下,讓長期照護之供給與需求服務輸送體系達到完善,使得需要服務的銀髮族能夠獲得妥善之照護。因此,本論文對於照護服務人力與需接受照護服務之老人進行深入探討,進而評估台灣地區照護服務人力之具體數量,以提升人力資源的有效率運用,並提供一個符合臺灣地區銀髮族服務供給、需求之居家照護服務系統化之解決方案。   老人之健康及社會照顧包含醫療、個人照顧、與社會照顧等三個主要層面,服務需求範圍相當廣闊;需要來自醫學、護理、社工、職能治療、物理治療等專業的服務,以及不同專業等級人力的投入,方能提供完整且連續的照護,滿足被照護者的需求。隨著各服務模式的推展,政府亦開始注重人力培訓及設置標準。但根據調查,國內護理應屆大學生在臨床的三個月內平均離職率高達50%,這些離開護理工作之專業人員未從事護理相關工作,造成國家人力培育的浪費。另一方面,因被照護者所需要之服務並非全天候,服務提供者只需彈性化部分時間之提供即可以滿足需要,如何運用部分時間人力及人力調度是本論文的最大貢獻。   本論文研究探討並應用一人力媒合平台,透過此一全新之服務平台,讓有照護需求或部分時間照護需求之民眾可以很便利的找到服務提供者。另一方面,有能力及有部分時間之專業人員也可以透過此平台找到貢獻所長之機會,除提高整體長照服務品質之外,也可以有效降低失業率。透過本論文之貢獻將可以提供一個全新的專業服務人力調派機制以造福我國日益增加之銀髮族長輩,創造和諧幸福老人安養氛圍及老有所終之理想國度。


Declining birthrate and ageing society have become two of the crucial issues faced by countries around the world as well as the key factors influencing the competitiveness of the countries. For the purpose of lowering the impact caused by the problems, our government calls for greater efforts to develop long-term care affairs. Because of the rapid ageing population, changes in disease patterns, and desperate needs for the long-term care, it has become an important task to solve the elder care problems properly through fulfilling long-term care policy effectively in Taiwan. According to the statistics from the Department of Statistics, Ministry of Interior, the present population structure in Taiwan shows that the care service for the elder citizens above the age of 65 has been increasing rapidly. As a result, it leads to the inadequacy of human resource in the care service. It is important to figure out the ways of constructing complete supply and demand service delivering systems on long-term care, and taking good care of the senior citizen under the limited resources. Thus, this paper aims at the investigation of the nursing care human resource and the senior citizens who need to be taken care of. This paper intends to estimate the specific number of the nursing staff in Taiwan for the purpose of elevating the effective use of human resource, offering solutions of supply and demand on the systemization of home care nursing service which meet the senior citizens’ needs in Taiwan. Health and the social care of the elderly include three different levels, medical treatment, personal care, and social care. In order to provide complete and consecutive care, and fulfill needs of the care receivers, the service demands contain broad range, covering professional services of medical science, nursing, social workers, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and participations of professionals in different fields. Along with the different modes of service, the government started to focus on human resource training and setting standards. However, according to the investigation, the quit rate of the graduating nursing students during the clinical training is as high as 50%. These nursing professionals who quit are not engaged to nursing related jobs. This is a great waste of the human resource training in the country. On the other hand, because the care receivers demand not full-day service, the service providers can work part-time to fulfill their needs. The contribution of this paper is finding how to use part-time human resource and human resource dispatch. This paper explored and applied the platform of human resource matching mechanism. Through this brand new service platform, the people who need nursing care, full-time or part-time, can easily find the service providers. On the other hand, the nursing professionals can find opportunities to offer their specialties on this platform. It will elevate the qualities of the nursing service as well as lower the unemployment rate. This paper contributes to provide a brand new professional human resource dispatch system, benefit the senior citizens with peaceful, quiet and happy rest atmospheres, and an ideal state for the elderly.


[1] 內政部(2011),《我國老人長期照顧及安養概況》,台北。
[2] 內政部(1998),《加強老人安養服務方案》,台北。
[3] 行政院衛生署(1998),《老人長期照護三年計畫》,台北。
[4] 行政院(2000),《建構長期照護體系先導計畫》,台北。
[5] 行政院衛生署(2001),《新世紀健康照護計畫》,台北。
