  • 學位論文


The Study of Online Group-Buying and Complaint Behavior-The Moderating Effect of Promtion

指導教授 : 李宗愷


中文摘要 隨著網路團購人口逐漸快速發展的同時,網路團購業者競爭更加更激烈,為了吸引更多的消費者,購物網站上充斥著琳琅滿目的促銷方式,但消費者購後卻常常發現產品不如預期,消費者的權益也因此受損,導致網路團購負面新聞不斷。故本研究目的首先為探討消費者網路團購動機與抱怨行為的關係,其次針對台灣網路團購消費者因不同促銷方式而產生的抱怨行為作進一步的釐清。 本研究採問卷調查,研究對象為有網路團購經驗的消費者,問卷發放採便利抽樣方式,共發放280份,回收有效問卷247份,扣除無效問卷33份,有效問卷220份,有效回收率為89%,並以SPSS17.0統計軟體作為資料分析工具。研究結果發現「便利」動機顯著負向影響抱怨行為、「價格促銷」顯著正向影響抱怨行為、「價格促銷」對網路團購動機及「抱怨行為」間存在干擾效果、「贈品促銷」對「網路團購動機」及「抱怨行為」間存在干擾效果。文末根據此發現對網路團購業者提出具體建議及後續研究者的學術研究參考。


Abstract While the population of online group-buying increase, at the same time the competition between online industries is getting more intense, therefore the online shopping sites are filled with an array of promotions to attract more customers, but often the purchased item does not meet the customer’s standard. This hurts the interests of customers, resulting in much negative press coverage about online shopping. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the motivation and complaints of online buying customers, and to further clarify the customer complaints due to the various promotions. This study is based on a questionnaire survey made for the customers of online group-buying by a convenient sampling way. A total of 280 copies and feedback from 247 questionnaires, eliminating 33 invalid surveys resulting with a valid response rate of 89%, and SPSS17.0 statistical software are used as tools for data analysis. The results showed that the “convenient” motivation indeed has a significant negative influence on complaint behavior, the “price” promotions showed positive effects on customer complaint behavior, “price promotions” interfere with the motive of online group-buying and “customer complaint behavior”, and that “premium promotion” also acts as interference towards “online group-buying motivation” and “customer complaint behavior.” The end of this essay according to the findings proposes toward online group-buying industries specific suggestions as well as referring to researcher’s academic researches that are yet to come.


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